(no subject)

Jun 25, 2009 10:20

I hate being home!!!! I love being in the warm weather, but I hate being home. I have had to deal with so much shit since I've been home and can't even talk to anyone about it. I'm so tired of keeping everything on the inside. I feel like im going to explode, and I don't know what to so about it!!!!!!!!!!

On top of everything else, my phone is being a pain in the ass it's dialing numbers that idont evenhave programmed in my phone anymore.... Fucking windows operating system!!! Yeah, so now people probably think that I'm making prank calls or something. Great...

I'm just so bored here at home. I try my best to stay busy (working 3 different jobs this week), but it just isn't working. September feels so far away, i don't know what to do a out it.
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