You devils... (LA Con News)

Oct 16, 2011 15:07

I now have a photo op with Misha Collins, a photo op with Misha and Mark Sheppard, and an autograph session with Misha.  If Misha does a boat cruise or something, I WILL be buying that, and I'm seriously considering a meet and greet even though the cost of that alone is more than my entire budget.

It's pretty much going to be an entire day of Misha Collins.

I know there is other stuff happening and I'm seriously thinking about getting either a photo op or autograph signing with Sebastian, but honestly, I'm doing this for Misha.  For me this is Misha Collins Con 2012.  An that's why I'm spending way more money than I should.

So I'd like to blame the following people:


Also can't wait to meet you rinienne and rhiles_me

misha collins, castiel, all about castiel, supernatural, welcome to crazyville, lacon, sebastian roche, lol i a crazy person

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