(no subject)

Jan 16, 2013 19:30

Generally, I liked tonight's episode, but then...

...  then Samandriel.  SAMANDRIEL!!  Him being in pain was terrible enough.  The look on his face when Castiel rescued him just killed me.  I get the feeling that Samandriel looked up to and admired Castiel.  He seemed so aw struck by his very presence.  And then Castiel was forced to kill him.  At least this time Cas is being controlled by outside forces.  When he did the same to Balthazar, there wasn't such an excuse, so that one hurt way more.  But that doesn't take away the fact that Castiel had to kill one of his brothers.  That's going to crush him regardless of the circumstances.

I do not like that, once again, Dean is doubting Cas.  Sam is stepping up to the plate again, though, and he totally nailed what was going on.  Why is it so hard to believe the angels are fighting, Dean?  They did just have a huge civil war, after all.  I felt that was off.  Even in season 6 Dean was reluctant to believe that Castiel could do harm.  He stuck up for him even when it was clear that something was off.  Maybe that's why he's so quick to be suspicious of Cas' motives again?  I'm not a Dean hater at all.  I love Dean.  I tend to write from his POV more often then not. But I do not like the way he acted at the end of the episode.

Oh, also, congrats to Amelia for sleeping with Sam so many times and not dying.

dean/castiel, swimming pool for my creys, castiel, all about castiel, supernatural, brb crying now, why do i do this to myself, wait what

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