(no subject)

Dec 14, 2012 20:19

Had a customer call in today to yell about a 15 cent bill increase. I felt like saying "go turn on the news and then tell me that it's worth yelling at me for 15 cents." Worse yet? It was for tax. She complained that she had to PAY FOR 911 SERVICES. She said it should be free. She then assumed it was my company charging for 911 service and I informed her that, no, the government runs 911 services. Felt like saying "the people that took those calls about a crazy person shooting up an elementary school? They aren't volunteers. Somebody has to pay their salary." I didn't, but I wanted to. I did have to explain tax to her, though. Then she said I was "passing the blame." She honestly did not believe that the government taxes people for 911 services. I wanted to scream so bad OMG.

I do not understand people. I do not fucking understand them.

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via ljapp, wut r dis, personal shit, workin hard fo teh moniez, im as mad as hell and im not gonna take , why do i do this to myself, workworkworkwork, i talk a lot, welcome to crazyville, laughing at people, fml, random

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