Oh Noes more FEAR!

Jan 08, 2011 01:29

So we get some more info about the upcoming Fear event from an Interview with Fraction and Brevroot, which I've posted here if you want to read them yourselves: (I'll update as the interview becomes available)
Part 1
 Part 2 Part 3

I just wanted to grab a few snipits and comment.  I'll start off by saying my hunch was right.  The ones who are going to be tested this event will be Cap and Thor.  Funny how they mean "Steve Rogers" when they use the term Cap.  I have a weird suspicion that Steve will be Captain America because Bucky will be stuck in jail during his trial, and thus can be back in uniform in time for his movie while still leaving the back door open for Bucky to take up the mantel.  Anyways...where is Tony gonna be since Fear is about Thor and Cap?

Nrama: And given that it’s you who’s writing the main story, and Cap and Thor are the main characters, I’m guessing Iron Man also plays a big role?

Fraction: It’s not the role that people will expect. He is a part of the story, it’s very much about the big three and their relationship to one another, but Iron Man takes a path that I hope surprises people; that he thwarts your basic assumption.

Hmmm...a role people won't expect, huh.  Well...given the Tony hate..most people would expect Tony to do something bad or stupid.  So the twist would be he actually becomes a strong support for Steve and Thor pulling them out of their respective fear.  It could be a way for Tony to actually earn back Steve and Thor's trust and friendship...that is till he's pinned with the Ultron War.  Poor Tony...[pets him]  Hey in the end, if it ends up as squishy as Prime did...I'll be happy.

Brevoort: I make this point all the time: For all that Civil War was a big, sprawling story with dozens of superheroes colliding over this issue, Civil War is really a story about three characters. It’s really about Cap on one side of the argument, Iron Man on the other side of the argument, and Spider-Man caught in the middle.

Sooooo...Civil War WAS just a bad breakup between Steve and Tony fighting for custody of Spidey huh? [falls over laughing] OMG that's really great - I really laughed when I read this because it's just so....true.  I know during New Avengers, I always got the impression Steve and Tony were married and Peter was their kid.  Ahh too bad Tony lost Spidey in the divorce.

tony stark, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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