In Which I Briefly Become Tony

Jan 06, 2011 13:10

 For one glorious moment, I felt like Tony Stark...and by that I mean I fixed my laptop charger.

A few months ago, my laptop charger died and I had to buy a replacement part so I didn't have to suffer at the hands of Dino Comp.  Well, today I was pretty surprised when I pulled the cord from my laptop and half of it stayed connected to my laptop.  I went D8 and looked at where it broke...unfortunately, without a solder gun and some solder, there was no way I could fix it.  Luckily my pack-rat self had kept my original charger that came with my laptop.

Since I had a good guess what was wrong with it, I said what the heck and dissected the ac input, stripped some wires and twisted them together, then electrical tapped the said connections...and it worked.  I stared at my work sure it was going to explode or something worked <3  Eventually, I am going to replace my charger...again...  But for now I think this works pretty well [puffs out chest]

Now I am off to build a computer!


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