oh NOES more comics?!

Sep 06, 2010 12:51

Ahhh...I'm starting to realize this journal has become more of a Marvel review/rant comic blog....but I'm sure that'll change as soon as I find other things I want to talk about.

Okay, so I've read Shadowland #3.  Yes, I am interested in the main story since I love Spidey and am interested to see what's happening to Daredevil...No, I really don't plan to read the other bajillion crossover books in order to get the full story, but somehow like all the other event books I'll probably have to read them sometime.  Hmm, I'm not sure if Shadowland is considered an event persay...Marvel says it's not since it just concerns the "street" level heroes [shrugs].

Anyways, so...in issue #3 we see Matt isn't crazy, but possessed by a demon thingy!  Interesting development, but admittedly I haven't read Daredevil so I have no clue.  From what I know of Matt he has the potential to go nuts and has issues with rage...but he's still a hero really.  Not so much an anti-hero I think as say...Punisher, but yeah Matt is...Mmm I can't explain it, but he does work really well with Spidey.  I think Peter is one of the only other heroes Matt truely gets along with...heh Peter is good for everyone, really.  [hugs heart of MU Universe]  If any other death would impact the MU it'd be Peter's [nod nod].

Uh where was I?  Oh yes...so Matt's not crazy, but [shivers] weird demon thing is making him resurrect Bullseye.  Ewww, necromancy!  All decompose body and just   D8   Matt No!  You finally killed that evil !@#$ and you are bringing him back?  Well, just proves to show deaths mean nothing in comics...if they can still make money, they will live.  I'm curious to see where this goes though.

I've also read Iron Man Legacy #6.  I love this comic, but I was kind of hoping they'd answer the whole legion of Ironmen they showed in #5  I know I went (O_O) and went...um Tony...those are a LOT of suits XD  But alas, we have no clue what happens.  Before I go on, I should explain that Legacy technically takes place in different random parts of Tony's life.  Ah retcon, how we love thee.  This recent arc takes place during the time Tony lost his company to Stane and he's kind of homeless.

Ha, poor Tony...I love how Reed, Strange and Prof. Xavier want to help Tony but Blackbolt and Namor are like dude Tony is like a regale and charity will hurt his pride.  Admittedly, thoughts of Prince Tony haven't left my mind ;)  But anyways...yes if you aren't reading Legacy, read it...it's nice <3

comics, marvel

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