Here's one translation I managed to finish quickly! Not the one I was originally working on, but a short new one I thought was an interesting topic ^^
Our Idol Doctrine ♥ - Hashimoto Ryosuke
Q1 A.B.C-Zってアイドルなの? そもそもアイドルってなんだと思う?
Q1 Are A.B.C-Z idols? What do you think is an idol anyway?
I think idols are people who are always shining, beautiful, revealing an aura. For myself, during concerts I get the feeling of "Ah, I'm shining right now" when I feel flooded by the cheering of our fans. Basically, our fans let us shine. Somehow there's a real feeling of connecting through a mutual transference of power.
Q2 アイドルの条件、3つ考えるなら?
Q2 What are 3 requirements of being an idol?
First off, don't show carelessness on TV. When I was still in first year elementary or so, if I saw an idol on TV reveal strong mannerisms of being a bad person, in my child's judgement that was bad. That's means for idol disqualification (laugh). After that, no matter what you should keep a smile. Regardless of the situation, not showing a bitter face, a real idol is always laughing right. And another thing is, singing a good tune is like grasping the heart of it. The strong luck of coming across that kind of song is another requirement of an idol.
Q3 5人の中で一番アイドル度が高い&一番低いのは?
Q3 Within the 5 members, who has the highest idol level, and who is lowest?
The highest idol level is, obviously, KOICHI GOSEKI right. Looking at him he seems quiet, somehow his many puzzling points that make him mysterious is good (laugh). I don't really understand what kind of person he is but I think it catches my attention more and more the deeper he seems. On the other hand the lowest ranked idol is...none right. Because everyone in A.B.C-Z is a proper idol (laugh).
Q4 とっておきの近況をお願いします!
『ABC座~』、順調に進んでるよ。この前行った仙台では、想像してた以上にみんなが元気に迎えてくれて本当に本当にうれしかった。心が温かくなったし、すっかり大好きな街になったよ。また近いうちに絶対行くから!こうやって全国のファンに会いに行けるのはすごく楽しいし、幸せなことだよね。女のコが方言でしゃべるのもかわいくていいね♥ プライベートでは最近、週2のペースでランニングしてる。往復で6キロほど走ってるよ。
Q4 Please tell us your most recent situation!
"ABC Za~" is continuing nicely. Just before when we went to Sendai, having more people than I'd imagined coming out to meet us made me super super happy. My heart was warmed by that, I completely fell in love with this direction. Going to meet fans across the country with the thought of "Because I want to definitely go to places closer to you!" was a really fun, happy thing. The cute way of girls speaking different dialects was nice too ♥ Recently in my private time, I've been going running at a pace of twice a week. I run about 6km round trip.