
Feb 04, 2012 00:01

well, the show doesn't start for a few hours, but since I realised it would be 4am for me if I waited, I'll be a little early but still happily say 'break a leg!' with an appropriate translation:


河合 じゃあ、一枚目のカードはハッシーが引いて!何か出た?
橋本 えーっと“もうひと組(戸塚&塚田)のかわいいところを挙げて”。はいはい、まずトッツーはねぇ…。
五関 いきなりノッてるなぁ(笑)。
橋本 トッツーは何をやってもチャーミング。すべてにおいてかわいい。
河合 MCをしてるとき、何かツボにハマることがあるとずっと笑ってるよね。そういう姿がかわいい。
五関 ケラケラ笑ってるもんね。あの自然な笑顔に癒される。
河合 ハッシーはトッツーのことが好きすぎて、めっちゃ顔を近づいてしゃべるよね。あの距離感おかしいから。
橋本 でもトッツーもイヤがってないもん♥ これからもあの距離でいくよ。そして塚ちゃんのかわいいところは?
河合 最近だと財布の一件かなぁ。
五関・橋本 あーあれね!
河合 塚ちゃん、前に使ってた財布とまったく同じものを買ったんだよね。
五関 「これが一番使いやすいから」って。
橋本 でもオレとかトッツーが「なんで同じやつ買うの?」って散々ツッコんだら、次の日ぐらいにまた新しい財布に買い替えてたの!(笑)
五関 影響を受けやすい人なのかな。
橋本 ま、そいうところが素直でかわいいってことで(笑)。じゃ、次はごっちかカードを引いて。
五関 じゃ、これ。“グループ内でケンカはしますか?”だって。
河合 これまた塚ちゃんの話になるけど、ハッシーが加入した直後に出たコンサートのときに、2人でケンカしてたよね。
五関 沖縄でね(笑)。
橋本 そうそう。「オレにいろいろ注意してくるけど、塚ちゃんもできてないじゃん!」って。でも塚ちゃん失敗してもそれをごまかすのがうまいからお客さんにはバレないんだよなぁ。
河合 ま、それも一種のテクニックなんだよ(笑)。でも大きなケンカといえばそれぐらいかなぁ?
五関 基本、ケンカというほどのケンカはしないよね。コンサートの打ち合わせとかで意見が分かれることはもちろんあるけど、ちゃんとそれぞれの考えを聞いて、引くところは引くし。
橋本 そうだね。いつもすごく平和に進んでると思う。
河合 お互いのことを認め合ってるから、ケンカとかにはならないんだよね。じゃあ、最後はオレがカードを引くね。えーっと、“メンバーを家族にたとえると?”か。ハッシーどう?
橋本 塚ちゃんが母親。お皿とか洗うのうまそうだから。ごっちが父親。頼りがいがあるからね。そしてトッツーが長男、郁人が次男で、オレが家で飼ってるペットの犬って感じかな。
河合 それでいいの?犬種は?
橋本 パグで(笑)。ごっちはどう?
五関 オレはね、トッツーが父親。日曜日とかに子供と一緒に遊んでくれる優しいパパになりそうだから。河合は母親。子供のしつけとかきちんとしてそう。で、オレが長男で、良亮が年の離れた弟。その良亮が、近所で拾ってきたパグが…塚ちゃん(笑)。
河合 ハハハ、パグはなかなか落ちてないぞー!(笑) でもいっか。
五関 うん。ペットも大事な家族だし♪
河合 オレはね、自分が父親。結婚願望がなくて将来パパになる可能性が低そうなんでせめてここでなっておこうかな、と。そしてトッツーが母親で、ハッシーが長男、ごっちが次男、塚ちゃんが三男。
五関 パグじゃないんだ!?
河合 うん。よく長男と末っ子が一番よくケンカするって話を聞くからちょうどいいかなとおもって (笑)。
橋本 なるほど、異議なし!
五関 じゃあ最後に来月から始まる日生劇場公演の意気込みを。
河合 まだ詳細は決まってないんだけど、今までだれもやっていないようなものを届けたい。A.B.C-Zから始まる新しい見せ方を発信できたらうれしいよね。
橋本 お客さんに「さすがだな、こんなこともできるんだな」って驚いてもらえるようなものにしたいな。
五関 ストーリーも完全オリジナルだし、自分としてもすごく楽しみ!
河合 期待を裏切らないものを見せる自信はめるよね。
五関・橋本 もちろん!

We've mutually agreed we can't help fighting

Kawai: So, Hasshi will draw the first card! What is it?
Hasshi: Um, "Reveal the other group's (Totsuka & Tsukada) cute parts." Yes yes, first is Totsu ne...
Goseki: Abrubtly deciding (laugh).
Hasshi: No matter what he's doing Totsu is charming. He's cute at everything.
Kawai: During MCs, no matter what's needed to get to the key point of it he always laughs. That kind of figure is cute.
Goseki: A cackling laugh isn't it. That spontaneous smile is healing.
Kawai: Hasshi really loves Totsu, so their faces are really close when they're talking. That sense of closeness is weird.
Hasshi: But Totsu doesn't mind ♥ From now on we'll keep that closeness. And so what's Tsuka-chan's cute parts?
Kawai: Recently it's his wallet I think.
Goseki/Hasshi: Ah, that, right!
Kawai: Before, Tsuka-chan would always buy the exact same wallet.
Goseki: He'd say "This one's the easiest to use."
Hasshi: But like me and Totsu severely tsukkomi'd him with "why do you always buy the same thing?", the next day he'd returned it and bought a new wallet! (laugh)
Goseki: Seems like he's actually an easily-influenced person.
Hasshi: Maa, it's that obedient kind of thing that's cute (laugh). Then, the next card draw is Gocchi.
Goseki: Then, this. "Do you fight within the group?"
Kawai: This is talking about Tsuka-chan again, but there's the time right after a concert when Hasshi joined, and the two of them fought.
Goseki: In Okinawa right (laugh).
Hasshi: Right right. "I'm doing things with care, but Tsuka-chan's not doing it right at all!" I said. But Tsuka-chan's ability to cover for mistakes is amazing since the audience doesn't realise.
Kawai: Maa, that's a special technique too (laugh). But if we're talking about big fights is that all?
Goseki: Basically, there aren't fights to that level of being called a real fight. It's understandable to have differing opinions during things like concert planning meetings, but when properly listening to the various considerations, they are discussed when they are mentioned.
Hasshi: That's about right. I think there's always a natural harmony.
Kawai: Because we've mutually agreed to it, fights and such don't happen. So, last is my turn to pick a card. Let's see, "What if the members were a family?" What about it Hasshi?
Hasshi: Tsuka-chan's the mother. He seems good at washing dishes and such. Gocchi is the father. He's the type you can rely on. Then Totsu is the older brother, Fumito is the younger brother, and it's like I'm the family's pet dog I wonder.
Kawai: Are you OK with that? What breed?
Hasshi: A pug (laugh). What do you think Gocchi?
Goseki: For me, Totsu's the father. He seems like he'll become the kind of father who happily takes his kids out to play on Sundays and such. Kawai is the mother. He would properly discipline the children. Then, I'm the older brother and Ryosuke is my younger brother by a year. That Ryosuke, the pug that he found in the neighbourhood is...Tsuka-chan (laugh).
Kawai: Hahaha, the pug can't be easily omitted! (laugh) But that's fine.
Goseki: Yup. The pet's an important family member too♪
Kawai: For me though, I'm the father. As someone without marriage prospects becoming a dad in the future seems unlikely so I'll at least go with it here, I guess. And then Totsu is the mother, Hasshi is the oldest son, Gocchi's the middle son, and Tsuka-chan's the third son.
Goseki: The pug's not there!?
Kawai: Yeah. When the oldest son and youngest are really fighting I thought the listener needs to be just right (laugh).
Hasshi: Oh I see, I've got no complaints!
Goseki: Then finally, what are you enthusiastic about concerning the performances at Nissei Theatre starting next month.
Kawai: The particulars haven't been decided yet, but I want to give something no one else has done before. I'll be happy if we get across to people watching A.B.C-Z for the first time.
Hasshi: I want the audiences to exclaim with suprise "Of course, so they can do that too."
Goseki: Since the story's completely original too, I'm also really looking forward to it!
Kawai: So that we don't fall below expectations I'll show my confidence in everything!
Goseki/Hasshi: Of course!

I'm sure everyone's impatient to read reports tomorrow, but I hope you enjoyed reading this for now!


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