(10th trans since Hasshi's bday! woo! and I still have a week before school starts~)
A.B.C-Z's conclusions about their favourite type of girl
I want my anniversary with her to be special.
An intimate date with just the 2 of us would be good!
河合 僕は花粉症がひどいんで屋内がいいかなぁ。カフェもいいけど、彼女の家っていうのもアリ!
塚田 着てもらうんじゃなくて、彼女の家まで行くんだ。
河合 うん。彼女だと自分のほうが動いてあげたいんで!
全員 ヒューヒュー!
五関 河合はやさしいのもあるけど、まわりがよく見えてるんですよ。
河合 馬キャラだからね(笑)。メールでの絵文字も馬使ってるし!
橋本 デートなら海だろ。海といえば夏だけど、そこをあえて春に行くっていうね。その日は一緒に浜辺を歩きたい。おんぶでもしたらお互いキュンとするんだろうなぁ!
戸塚 僕はボウリング行って、つまんないっていわれたらほかへ行きます。
河合 壮大すぎるだろ!
塚田 やっぱりポカポカし始めるんで川沿いとかを散歩したいですね。多摩川とかをのんびり歩いてて、このまま行ったらどこ行くんだろうとか。
河合 東京湾だよ!
五関 てか春っていったら、やっぱり花見だろ。ごちゃごちゃしているとこはイヤだから、2人っきりで過ごせる花見スポットがあったらいいのになぁ。
--Tell us your ideal situation for a Spring Date!
Kawai: I get really bad hayfever, so staying inside would be better. A cafe is fine too, but I'm really refering to the girl's place!
Tsuka: Rather than going there to pick her up, it's staying at her place.
Kawai: Yup. I want her able to quickly move toward me!
Everyone: Oohooh!
--That's nice isn't it.
Goseki: Kawai has kind moments, but take a proper look around.
Kawai: It's because I'm the horse character (laugh). Even in mails I use a horse emoji!
Hasshi: On the topic of dates it's gotta be the ocean! Even though the ocean's generally a summer thing, I want to go during spring. That day we'd want to walk along the beach together. Then if I were to carry her on my back there'd be a mutual 'kyun' moment!
Totsu: I'd go bowling, then if it gets boring we'll go somewhere else.
Kawai: Beyond fabulous!
Tsuka: Obviously to warm up we'd start with a stroll along the riverbank. Leisurely walking along the
Tamagawa or something, with that feeling I wonder where we'd end up.
Kawai: In Tokyo Bay!
Goseki: Really, if talking about spring dates, it's got to be Cherry Blossom Viewing. It's no good doing a jumble of different things, finding a good viewing spot for just the two of us while simply going along would be best.
Girls who cover their legs or leave them bare. Which is better?
橋本 はいはい!ショートパンツ。ワンピとかミニとか短いのも好きだけど一番好きなのはショートパンツ!
河合 ハッシーはそこ重要だもんな。
橋本 そそ。あとは長いブーツに上には軽めのロングカーディガンを着て。ドストライクっすよ、そんなコいたら!
河合 オレは可愛い感じで清楚っぽいほうがいいな。でも彼女だから世間の方々には脚を見せたくないんで、タイツはいてもらいます。
橋本 実はオレも黒タイツって大好物っす(笑)。
五関 僕は河合派。一緒に歩くとなったら、ちょっと脚は隠してほしい。大人っぽい感じの清楚さっていうの。だけどエアリーな白のミニワンピを着てこられると完全に弱いな。
塚田 へぇ~、意外だわ。
河合 てか、清楚でミニってかなりエッチくない?
塚田 相当にね(笑)。
河合 オレがいってるのは、着飾ってるようで着飾ってない、ラフなおしゃれのことよ。
五関 そっか。でもたまにはちょっと攻めてほしいじゃん。そういうときにエロ可愛いのも着てほしい!
河合 なるほどね。
塚田 やっぱり清潔感が大事。ピンクだとベタだから濃い色で合わせて上品にコーデしたり。そんなコだったら渋谷とか銀座に行くのもいいね。
五関 表参道は?
塚田 それもいい!
河合 ってか、流されすぎだし(笑)。
戸塚 僕は実際、攻めすぎのほうがいいの。だけど好きすぎるファッションってドキドキして一緒に歩けない気がする。
河合 しますよ。半年記念日だって絶対、デートでお出かけするよね?
全員 うん。
河合 あれ?若干1名……。
塚田 1年記念日は絶対にするけど、半年だったらしないかも……。
戸塚 マジ?オレは半年記念日に好きなオデコ出してたら海外ホテルのスイートルームに泊まっちゃうよ。
河合 まぁ、春デートでボウリングから突然、海外行くくらいだもんな(笑)。
五関 記念日デートはどこでもいいんよ2人だけで祝うのが大事!
全員 だね!
--So then, what fashion would you like to see the girl wear on the date?
Hasshi: Me me! Short shorts. I like shifts and miniskirts and anything short too but short shorts are the best!
Kawai: That's Hasshi's major point eh.
Hasshi: Right right. And then high boots with an airy, long cardigan. That'll be a direct hit, a girl like that.
Kawai: For me I find a cute girl with a tidy, trim sense is nice. But so others can't see her legs, I'd want her to be wearing tights.
Hasshi: Actually, black tights are also my favourite (laugh).
Goseki: I'm like Kawai. If we're walking together, I want her legs covered a bit. It has a tidy, mature feel. That's why I'm completely weakened if she also wears an airy, short, white shift.
Tsuka: Heeh~, that's unexpected.
Kawai: So you're saying, the tidy look with a mini is H?
Tsuka: That's the connection (laugh).
Kawai: If I say so myself, regardless of dressing up, having a rough feel is cool.
Goseki: That so. But I want to be assaulted occasionally. At that time I want to see her dressed in Ero-cute style.
Kawai: Ah I see.
Tsuka: As expected a sense of tidiness is important. Pink's a bit cliche'd, but it's elegant when matched with deep colours. It would be nice to go to Shibuya or Ginza with that kind of girl right.
Goseki: And Omotesando?
Tsuka: That's fine too!
Kawai: That is, and so it follows (laugh).
Totsu: For me actually, I'd be fine with getting assaulted. Because I feel like I'd get too nervous to be walking together while she's wearing my favourite fashion.
--By the way, would you all do something important to commemorate anniversaries with your girlfriends?
Kawai: I would. Wouldn't you definitely go out on a date for the half-year anniversary?
Everyone: Yup.
Kawai: Ah? There was sort of one person......
Tsuka: I'd definitely do that for the one year anniversary, but maybe not for a half year......
Totsu: Really? For me, I'd want us to stay in the suite of my favourite overseas hotel, if the name comes to mind.
Kawai: Mah, so from the spring bowling date, suddenly it's reached the level of going overseas has it (laugh).
Goseki: It doesn't matter where the anniversary date is since having just the 2 of us celebrating together is what's important!
Everyone: That's right!
(so what did we learn today? apparently i wore the perfect outfit to hasshi's show yes! 1st impressions are the most important :D and goseki's actually quite ecchi. also Totsu needs to stop influencing Hasshi's speech before it gets as annoying to translate as this was)