Q. コドモのころの印象に残ってる遊び
A. 小学生のときは、サッカーしたり、学校の帰り道によく石蹴りしてたな。あと、地元の駄菓子屋に毎日のように通ってた。お店のおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんがむっちゃやさくして。オレが行くといつもいっぱいお菓子とかおまけしてくれたの。そこんちのコみたいに家にあがって、コタツでかりんとう食べたりもしてたよ(笑)。
Q. Lasting impressions of playing from your childhood
When I was in elementary school, I played soccer, and on the way home from school I'd play hopscotch. After, I'd make sure to pass by the local candy shop. The shop's grandpa and grandma were really kind. I'd always get a ton of free treats when I went there. I was the type of kid who'd sit under the kotatsu eating karintou {
fried pastry} probably (laugh)
Q. 印象に残っているオモチャは?
A. ビービー弾(空気銃の弾)。小学生のころ、みんなプリクラにハマってプリ帳を持ち歩いてたけど。オレはやんちゃだったからビービー弾を壁にぷすけるのが好きだった。あと、ネジをベーゴマみたいに回したり(笑)。意外と地味な遊びしてるでしょう?
Q. Lasting impressions of any toys?
BB gun (air gun) bullets. During elementary times, everyone was taking purikura to put in books. I was mischievous so I loved to shoot the booth walls with the gun. Also, I played with keys and such by spinning them like tops (laugh). It's suprising I played with simple things isn't it?
Q. いま、ハマっている遊びは?
A. パソコンをいじること。シアタークリエのコンサートをがんばったごまうびに自分でノートパソコンを買っちゃった。音楽を聴いたり、動画を見たりしてるんだけど、あきないねー。うるさいオレもパソコン向かってるときだけは、だまっておとなしくなっちゃう(笑)。最大の目的は、パソコンで曲作りすること。このためにはもっと勉強して使いこなせるようになんなきゃな。
Q. What are you into now?
A. I've been playing around with a pc recently. To help with the Theatre Crea concerts I bought myself a laptop. I listen to music and watch videos on it, but that's tiring. For the noisy me, I'm quiet and mature seeming only when in front of a computer (laugh). The major purpose is to use the laptop for making music. For that I'll continue to try my best at mastering it. {asdfj hasshi's teaching himself to edit music~}
Q. とっておき「Play zone」(プレイスポット)を教えてください!
A. 自分んち。友だちとドリンク飲みながら、しゃべりまくるのが最高!オレって、まるでおしゃべり好きな女子みたいなの(笑)。あと、地元の河川敷もお気に入りスポット。息抜きにはぶらぶら散歩するのがいちばん。
Q. Tell us about your valued "Play zone" (play spot)!
A. Myself. Chatting with my friends while going for a drink, that's the best! Me, I always chat as if I'm talking about the girl I like (laugh). The local riverbed is also a favourite spot. Relaxing while lazily strolling along it is the best.
Q. 「プレゾン」への意気込みを!
A. メンバーでオレだけ「プレゾン」の経験がないんだよ。ミュージカル系のダンスはふだんコンサートで踊ってるダンスと違うからね。今回の見せ場は、ダンスになりそうだし、必死に練習して、みんなについていかなきゃなって思ってる。シアタークリエのコンサートでやせちゃったけど、この夏もさらにやせそう!?(笑)
Q. Your enthusiasm toward "PLAYZONE"!
A. I'm the only one of the members who has no experience with "PLAYZONE" already. The musical style of dancing is different from the usual concert dance moves. The highlight is the dancing, with the frantic practices, I mustn't fall behind everyone else. I lost weight during the Theatre Crea concert, this summer too will I become thinner!? (laugh) {I was thinking he looked thinner in the Subaru bbq photos-don't lose too much weight hasshi! :S}
as usual, corrections are love ♥ (esp. for the bit about his chatting, was kinda iffy on that one...)