As someone who has struggled with her complexion for the better part of twenty years, I say this with the utmost sympathy: Francis Capra needs to see a dermatologist, stat.
Beyond that, I found the episode enjoyable, but not great.
I really got a kick out of the fact that Weevil was Veronica's "audio visual" aid. ("Yo!" Hee.) Kind of a bummer that Professor Lasky wasn't there, since Lucky the TA is an ass. I also enjoyed Weevil calling out V for dating Logan again, even if his reference to how he treated Lilly seemed a little odd. It would make more sense to focus on how Logan treated Veronica.
I totally did not get who Logan and Veronica were dressed up as, although I read after the fact that it was Meg and Jack White. I get that Veronica was upset about the loss of her necklace, but I still thought it was bullshit that she accused Weevil. Par for the course, but still bullshit. On the plus side, Kristen and Francis nailed the confrontation scene. Those two play off each other so well.
It was great to see Wallace again, although I had a few quibbles with his storyline. First off, where the heck was Piz? Given that there was more than one scene in their dorm room, it seemed like a natural time for him to pop up. Second, I love that Wallace wants to be a mechanical engineer, since I'm an ME. And props to them for specifying a discipline, instead of just saying "engineering." But having him take a class generically called "mechanical engineering" was silly. Particularly since he's a freshman. Those early days are all about the core curricula--calculus, chemistry, freshman comp... I'm also not entirely sure Wallace cheated on the exam. I think he might have confessed something in the blue book, instead.
It was good to see Lamb again, in all his asshat glory. I cracked up when he did the Robot. And I loved that he and Veronica worked together in the end.
Cliff! It's Cliff! Cliff is awesome. Loved that he was helping Keith. Hey, look, it's Richard Grieco. He's not looking too bad, although he's still no Johnny Depp. :) What a jackass his character was, though! And how funny was it that Keith apparently introduced himself as "Adrian Monk" in LA? Hee.
There were some definite WTF moments re: the rape. So Claire was with her boyfriend at or around the time of the "rape"? Was she actually raped, or is this some kind of sick ploy by the Lilith House? I admit, this twist has me intrigued.
Best of all? It was a Dick-free episode!
I really, really enjoy NCIS. All the characters are so great, the cases are almost secondary. I thought Abby's Halloween costume was great, and I loved the reactions it garnered. I just adore the relationship between Abby and Gibbs, and I can't help 'shipping them a wee bit.
Since Gilmore Girls was a rerun and I watched Friday Night Lights on Monday, I was able to watch the first hour of Dancing with the Stars. I think I want Joey Lawrence to win, although I'm not invested in this season the way I was with S2.