Title: Those That Look Below
Rating: PG
Chars: Kon/Cass, Bart, Bob (mentions of Kon/Cassie, Tim/Cassie, & Tim/Cass)
Summary: They're supposed to be dead. As far as the world's concerned, they still are.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. It really should be obvious enough by now.
Notes: I basically was just dying for an excuse to use my Kon/Cass icon, so I came up with this.
"You are the second team to transverse the worlds in this manner and I will call you...team two."
"Uhhhuuuuhh. And what do we call you?"
"You may call me Bob."
Bart snorted. It wasn't an unbelieving snort, though. More like a giggle-snort. Kon shook his head. He wasn't gonna get used to Bart's appearance any time soon. He just didn't look like Bart. He looked like a grown-up. His body had to be--what? In its mid-twenties? The speedsters mental state was always anyone's guess.
"Heh. You do know that your name and variations therof is the 47th most popular name on Earth alone. Or rather, the 47th most popular male name. As far as names on the whole go, it's only number 757..."
Kon breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, it was still Bart after all...
Kon was still amazed that he was breathing at all. He wasn't supposed to be alive. Apparently none of them were. According to this Bob character, he and Bart were supposed to still be six feet under and the third member of their party, Batgirl, was supposed to have kicked the bucket a short while after Slade Wilson started pumping her full of serum.
Speaking of Batgirl, Kon looked over to the girl who hadn't spoken anything at all. She had removed her mask when she recognized him and he was happy to see that she was looking as hot as ever.
He mentally kicked himself.
"Just friends." he muttered under his breath. He remembered the last time they had tried dating...and what a romantic jinx that had been.
She looked his way and smiled faintly... like she knew what he was thinking. Sheesh. How did she always know what he was thinking?
"I have selected all of you for this team based on your eclectic strengths...Bart Allen: speedster capabilities and photographic memory. Conner Kent: flight, super-vision, and tactile telekinesis. Cassandra Cain: martial arts mastery and ability to read the body language of opponents."
That explained it. Of course, she could have said something, but nooo...freakily freakish Bat-clan rules. But then again, it wasn't like she ever said much in the first place. She wasn't like Rob who--
Her name was Cassandra. Cassandra.
Did he offend the gods of irony or something?
He had been trying not to think about Cassie.
When Bob came to him and Bart with his vaguely described offer, he had offered to allow them to look in on the land of the living for a minute to help give them some closure on the whole "world moving on after their deaths" thing. Kon had asked to look in on Wondergirl (he trusted Bart to ask after Tim).
He had expected Cassie to move on. He had been dead a whole year, after all. For most teens that was a long time, but for Kon it was even longer since he hadn't really been alive as long as most. Stupid test-tube mommy. (It was child abuse on some level, he was sure.)
He'd expected her to move on; it was just... When he saw her, he saw her and his best friend together. Cassie and Tim. Tim and Cassie. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.
At. All.
Could be worse right? Could be Cassie and Ares (Ewww!) or Tim and Poison Ivy (Cool... er, no! Freaky!). Could be Tim all alone locking himself away in some cave or science lab. Could be Cassie grieving over him and joining some brain-leeching resurrection cult....ah, who was he kidding?
It was just plain hard to be happy about something that excluded you so completely. Even if you knew it couldn't have happened without you. He wanted to be happy for them. He did. It was just...
"You miss them. Friends."
"Yeah. But I know they can't afford to keep missing me. S'not healthy. Knowing that really doesn't make things any easier though. Howzabout you, Bat-babe?"
"Cass. Cassandra. Never Cassie. Except when Tim said it."
"I guess the gist of what's going on down there isn't really any easier for you, is it? You liked him."
The hurt expression on her face made him unsure if he should have said anything.
"Thought it was the serum. Then Bob came...and knew better."
Kon chewed his bottom lip. He had time to get over it. They all did. A lot of time from the way Bob was talking. They were supposed to search for some guy, some important scientist or whatever. Bob had said something about "Not Ray Palmer..." and "Made a mistake." with "Can't tell team one." Whatever. It didn't matter to the Kid.
"We're still friends right?"
She kissed him then. It was a nice kiss. Then it got deeper. Mmmmm....
Brain. Melting. Nice.
Nononono... no stopping. Grrr...
She pulled away.
"Yes. Still friends." She smirked. "Just friends."
Okay. He could do that dance again. Sure. Might be even more fun this time around.
He could vaguely hear Bart listing off something behind him.
"Now Cassandra is actually the 219th most popular girl's name..."