I just got Teen Titans #47 today, and experienced a cup of wunerful, wunderful joy...! I could go on and on about what I liked. Sweet writing, beautiful art (for once!) and careful focus on characters I really wanted to see. However, to tease and tantalize, I've decided to simply post...
And what do I see? I see subtle traces of Tim/Cassie. I see very blunt establishment of Rose/Jason. ('Cause you just know he's turned on by the blade the the throat...) I see Jason at the top of his form totally pwning Dick and Tim. And I see Jason (when he's caught unawares) getting pwned by Tim. Can you understand why I'm in totall happy-land right now? Thank you, Beechen!
And there's more joy in the issue too. Dick, Donna, Cassie, and Tim are all beautifully drawn throughout the issue, Cassie has a "Beauty tames the Beast" scene w/Match, and Gar and Raven tantalize us with almost discussing their relationship. And Eddie...well, Eddie pretty much rocks too. So, yay!