Fanart & Icon goodies...YJ, OYL, & more

Mar 28, 2007 06:12

Maybe I'm crazy, but I really am enjoying OYL for the most part. However, I still have my own ideas regarding which direction certain storylines should go in. So, I'm just drawing an' coloring 'em as usual...

'Cause they should all be united instead of Cassie and Tim fighting with Bart off in LA...

'Nuff said here, really. You can see the Bart/Carol stuff in wallpaper format if you scroll down past the icons...

And icons! I've decided to be bold and actually make icons out of my own fanart for once. For those of you who don't dig that type of thing, I've also made regular comic icons further down of Kara, Cassie, and Tim (as both Robin, and as Mr. Sarcastic. Oh, and a few wallpapers too. ^_^


001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024

025 026 027

028 029 030

031 032 033

034 035 036

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

Larger version here.

Larger version here.

Larger version here.

teen titans, bart allen, fanart, young justice, cassie sandsmark, icons, dcu, dc, tim drake, kon-el

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