Title: Mid-flip
Fandom: Geoff Johns era Teen Titans
Rating: G
Word Count: 256
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Done awhile ago for anonymous prompt: Kon, Tim & Bart - anything where they're being awesome best friends and bro-ing around.
Bart smiles as he looks over his shoulder mid-flip.
He knows that as he skateboards side-by-side with Tim, that he is experiencing the jump differently. For Bart, the moment feels frozen. Like a full five minutes of contemplation time suspended in mid-air. For Tim, it is all instantaneous. A split-second in which to go with his instincts and hope he lands correctly. Tim trusts himself. Where he once needed to lead to feel like he had a place with them, he now knows his worth, to himself and others.
Bart admires that.
He sees Kon in the distance flying toward them, stuffing a newspaper in his pack as if he'd never been carrying it. Updates on Metropolis politics and Luthor Corp. activity, as if Bart didn't know.
He remembers when Kon's biggest concerns were Hawaii surfing weather and how many half-naked women were going to kiss him that day after he pounded a grade C villain into dust. It's not that Kon's lost his appreciation for surfing (or half-naked women for that matter), but he's simply become more. Mere fun isn't enough for him anymore. Kon wants to make a difference.
Bart likes that.
When Tim sees Kon, he waves and teases, inviting him to join. Kon offers pizza. Pizza, and more teasing.
It's as if nothing's changed.
Bart zips around grabbing the other necessary items: Chips, dip, gamestation, zesti, candy... He chuckles to himself as he goes.
Bart remembers when he was afraid of growing up.
He sees now that it's really not that scary.