Title: Previously Met
Rating: PG
Word Count: 240
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Jason Todd re-meets an unlikely acquaintance.
He doesn't know why he's wasting energy spying on the pretender when he could be in Gotham keeping an eye on Bruce or even Dick. He supposes he just wanted to be sure that he knows the squirt's M.O. well enough to predict him if/when he decides to reveal that he is, in fact, still very much alive and kicking ass.
But he's been playing with fire by hanging right outside the club house. Now, he's got translucent baby blues staring him in the face. She's far too young and cute for her own good, but the worst part seems to be that she doesn't seem the least big suspicious that he's tailing her pals. Instead, she gives him a big smile and invites him in to play.
"I only tango with the living nowadays, sweetheart." he tells her.
"Oh really? That's great! You won't find a livelier bunch that my friends!"
He's wrong. This is the worst part.
Poor little dead girl doesn't even know she's dead. Can't smell the rot of their auras, both hers and his.
"Maybe some other time, kid. But don't tell the others about me, huh? I want it to be a surprise for the pr--Robin, when I come back again."
"Oooh! For Robin? Of course! " She smiles, "I'm Suzie, by the way."
He gives her the grimmest of grins before confessing.
"I know. Ya probably don't remember... but we've met before."
Title: Bite
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 130
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Tim, Shiva, and biting.
"Wide swings and loose kicks are the defenses of animals, little bird. Show me something creati--"
His teeth sink into her neck, distracting her. Like a wolf going for the kill, a combination of instinct and instantaneous thinking.
The pause is barely enough to let him jerk free and put some distance between her body and his. He should plan his next move, but he can't stop looking at the indentations at her throat and he can both see and feel her staring at the tiny drops of saliva on his own bottom lip.
She smiles.
"Yes. Exactly. But next time..."
"Do not hesitate."
He nods and turns his back to signal a break.
He allows himself the delusion, for a moment, that she can't see him trembling.