Meme from Geministar01

Oct 11, 2008 19:38

Leave me a comment saying "interview me."
I will ask you five questions.
Post the answers on your lj and then interview your friends!

Also, as geministar01 did: if you ask me to interview you, you may go ahead and ask me three questions in your comment that I'll answer in the main post here.

1. What was the first superhero comic that you ever read?

Ooooh... tough one. When I was--oooh, five? six?--my dad brought up a huge box of comics he had when he was a kid. I don't remember exactly which superhero comics were in the box, but the first superhero comics I remember hunting for at conventions were old Lois Lane comics. (Yes, those "Superman's Girlfriend" contrived things that make modern feminists wince in pain.) I loved them to pieces, and was also interested in Amethyst and random silver age stuff that had something cool and cracky on the cover.

2. I know you don't write slash, but do you ever read it? Or is it just not your cup of tea?

Not my cup of tea (I prefer Chai, a variety of herbals, and occasionally green and black.) Some stories I start reading turn into slash, and if the story stays riveting, I finish it.

3. Who are your top five favorite fictional characters?
The question seems to imply that you want me to rank them, but it's hard to give that kind of thing a hierarchy. So... chronologically.
1. The first character I devoted myself to was Lois Lane. See above.
2. I didn't encounter viciously deep obsession until I entered the world of X-men, and loved Rogue with all my widdle heart. Her power, her inability to touch, somehow managed to touch me.
3. Wherever Rogue is... Gambit follows.
4. Luke Skywalker. 'Nuff said. From there, let us include his family, surrogate and extended. I'd like to fit his father, mother, mentors, sister, son, niece, nephews, and probably a whole bunch I've forgotten into this little category.
5. Tim Drake. Freaky, compassionate, obsessive, protective, stalkerish, brave, secretive, and loyal. LOVE HIM.

4. Do you play video games?

Nope. Can't afford another addiction. Comics and internet have consumed me enough.

5. What is the one comic that you pick up, every month, without fail?

Robin. Dur.

from beef_wonder3

1. What got you into fandom?

I've loved comics from early on, and as I got older, I read more recent comics (reading modern supehero stuff when I was little would have been just too violent). When anticipation was building for the first X-men movie (but it was still far away), I got into X-men comics to know what it was all about. I loved them. And this was about the same time my family first got a computer with the internet. From there, I think you can do the math.

2. What was your favorite movie as a child?

The Little Mermaid and Home Alone 2. At least, that's what's springing to mind.

3. Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme?

Krispy Kreme.

fandom, meme

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