Music Meme: Robin/Jubilee drabbles

Oct 07, 2008 13:56

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.

3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!

4. Do ten of these, then post them.

01. We Have Forgotten by Sixpence None the Richer

There's... something. Something he's missing that's so very important. All the more important because it was something happy. Filled with light and joy and he can't remember what it was. Laughter, rooftops, new dimensions, bright lights, yellow leather, and innocence...

It was something wonderful. And it had something to do with fireworks.

He just wishes he could remember.

02. Te Aviso, Te Anuncia (Tango) by Shakira

He's thirteen and too young for love triangles. He has a girlfriend now, and Ariana is fun and beautiful and nice... but that's not Jubilee's fault. He didn't know Ariana when he knew Jubilee. And Jubilee is here and Ariana... isn't. And he isn't about to cheat on anyone. Jubilee just wants to talk. And he can do that. And she wants to laugh with him and patrol with him. He can do that too. And if she pouts when it's time to say goodbye and leans in a little closer than she really should... he can maybe kiss her.

03. ~ by Andrew Bird

The only thing brighter than the lights from her hands is the laughter in her eyes. Her voice is backround joy, not noise.

04. C'est La Vie by Vanessa Carlton

Everyone forgets. When the files about the fight between worlds disappears from the Crays, Robin waits for Batman to notice and fix the error. He never does. Robin swears to fix it himself. But he swears he'll do it tomorrow. Not for the sake of the files, but because of her. Of course, he forgets.

05. Bach/Break from August Rush OST

His blood freezes when she asks to fight with him against Two-Face. He hasn't known her long, but she's already too good of a thing to let near that kind of darkness. It all seems to happen without him,though and... it's fun. He sees her laugh in Dent's face as she flits out of his grasp, leaving room for Robin to come in with bo staff blazing. They fight back the darkness together, and when one falls, the other catches, and it's a dazzling harmony.

06. Feeling Good by John Barrowman

"I love your fashion sense!"

It's a simple compliment, but it really makes him feel good. He's proud of his costume, of both the legacy and the changes. And it's a compliment he can return. Yellow Leather and blood-red jumpsuits shouldn't go together, but it's her. And it's her heart-shaped face, bangly earrings, and jet-black hair. And all of it ties together into a girl who's laughing with him while the rest of both worlds are going crazy...

And it shouldn't feel this good. But it does, and she makes him not care.

07. Mess Around by Alvin and the Chipmunks

"Talk about your first time."

It's a camp-fire challenge from Cassie, and it's for Secret, but it makes him think. His first thought is that Ariana was his first kiss. But then... he thinks again. No, she wasn't. It was... it was good. It was fun and giggly, sweet, maybe just a little sad, and her name was....

Her name was...


08. Layla by Eric Clapton

He knows, by instinct and by fast logic, that he doesn't have long with her. So, when she asks to run with him over Gotham's sky-scrapers, to see his world tonight, to break half a dozen of Batman's rules and regulations... he doesn't say no. Can't. He can't recall exactly what she said, only that she asked him in exactly the right way and that he was saying yes (or implying it ) before she'd really finished asking. The only thing he asks of her is that she be careful. Before the giggling cues again, she gives him a nod and a look of professionalism, born of fighting and experience. She gets it. And now, so does he.

09. School's out for Summer by Alice Cooper

He's never really thought of laughing in a villain's face before. Maybe teasing them to make them angry and lose focus, but never because you were just having fun and they looked ridiculous. But the lights that Jubilee is casting look like glitter in Harvy's hair, and he's so furious and unable to really do anything about it, and she's keeping her distance, and there's no reason why he can't just...

He laughs inside, if nowhere else.

10. Frozen by Madonna

Sometimes, when worlds are colliding or the earth is falling apart, God lets him remember. It's like havoc with the space/time continuum releases a catch in his brain and says to him. "Now, when it's least convenient, you are allowed to think about Jubilee."

He was able to recall her face the first time everything was blown to pieces and Kon died. It was like a secondary phantom to tangle into his nightmares, a sad attempt at making them a little more dream-like.

And now that the sun hasn't set in a week, he can remember her again. Things are calmer this time, a little less world-shattering, a little more resigned appocalypse. With no one to attack/defend from/blame, he's granted time to think about everything, including her.

He hopes, in her own dimension, she is happy. That she became a far more stable woman than he is a man. In his own mind, she still wrinkles her nose and looks for the good in every mission. He wonders if her own world is ending on the other side of tomorrow, and if she's thinking of him while it does. If she's waiting for the next grand adventure. If they will, in fact, get to share it.

fanfic, robin/jubilee, drabble

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