Aug 18, 2005 01:57
So I guess I've put it off long enough...It's gonna be long. "Real....Real long." You probably won't be that interested if you didn't go to EMF, but if you want to read, go right ahead.
It's just one of those nights when I can't help but wish I was back in Milner dorm...sitting on a not-so-comfy bed talking to my roomy, or listening to music...instead of sitting here at the computer. I guess this is the beginning of my EMF story.
So as most of you know, EMF was my chance to get away from well as for all of the musical aspects of course. I didn't know exactly what to think of EMF. I never thought I would be able to go, so I guess I didn't really have time to think about it. I didn't want it to be an excuse to get away, yet it inevitably seemed to be that way. (I feel like someone else had the wrong idea of my intentions of going, and for that I am very sorry). The first day I remember meeting a lot of people-people I would end up hanging out with for the next 3-4 weeks. I remember meeting everybody in that group. John was Scott's roomate of course- I met his parents before I met him. I ate lunch with both of them, and went back to Milner. I was playing pool with some people, and I met Alex next. I remember offering Jon some chips, trying to prove Alex wrong, and that Salt & Vinegar really was the dominating taste. I met Josh playing pool...I invited Tim to play--he never really accepted. He always preferred to watch. I played pool with Justin (I'm pretty glad that pool table was there). By then we had a pretty cool group to hang out with, so we started eating meals together. At that time, it was still early...probably around dinner time on the first day still, haha. I remember seeing Jesse come in the cafeteria, and I just watched him. I saw him heading to an empty table and sit down. I wasn't sure if he knew anybody prior to camp, so I waited to see if he motioned for any familiar faces to sit with him--when nothing really happened I went down and invited him to come sit with us. I was half-surprised that he accepted. That's when Jesse joined our group. Dan...well, he sort of just invited himself. He just sat down one day and never left :) Ben and Dara didn't hang out with us until probably week 2-3. I remember meeting Bobby very early on--I spent weeks yelling his name everytime I saw him. I was pretty sure he thought I was the craziest person in the world. Normally he would just look at me, but eventually he caved into gesturing a wave, and later would even spit out a hi. I met a ton of awesome people, I stuck to our group of 8 pretty much. Spent every minute with atleast 2 of them. They all were really great...John, Jon, Tim, Alex, Josh, Jesse, Justin, Dan...and eventually Dara and Ben. You guys--were great. I love all of you.
Everything was going fine the first week--I loved Shosty, and I loved rehearsals (I know I'm a major orch dork). I had everybody in my room and we watched Save the Last Dance, with Dan's awesome commentary on the movie as well as impersonations. They ate all of my food (what do you expect? They are guys...however, alex and jon did buy me a lot of stuff later on :) thanks guys...). So things were fine--but something just didn't feel quite right. I was having a lot of fun and whatnot, but things just didn't sit well. After having a few serious talks with someone, I ended up having to deal with my emotions--which was not exactly what I had planned for my time at EMF. By week two, I wanted to go home. I felt that I was constantly making the wrong decisions, and I didn't quite know what to do with myself. The more I did one thing...the more the other would fall apart, and vice versa. Well, as many of you mom flew down to visit me for the Shostakovich concert...the end of week 2. As much as I hate to admit it, I really needed a parent to be with me. We talked over a lot of things, and she gave me a lot of advice--not really advice; she told me what options I had, and hoped I would make the right choices. I couldn't provide a lot of explanations for the things that I was feeling, but I knew I had to do something. The next day, I said my farewell to her, and home she went. I walked back into Milner feeling a little better, but still confused. As time dragged on, things got worse. Of course, none of you probably even noticed--I like to keep things hidden if you haven't noticed...atleast in person. Give me a computer or pencil and I'm off to the races. So by the third week-let's see...we were playing the Brahms (If I recall correctly). I really loved that piece, so it was nice to go to rehearsal- I sort of forgot about everything bothering me and went into my own little world. By then I began thinking of what I really wanted out of camp, life...etc. I spent a few nights in a room trying to talk through things. I cried a lot, something I didn't see happening; something I didn't want to happen-but eh well. I didn't quite know what was expected of me. I left that night with a lot of thoughts going through my head, none of which made sense. I sort of kept to myself for a few days; spent a lot of time practicing, phoning friends from home as well as my family. By that time, other people moved on and made choices. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do-I wanted to have fun of course, but I wanted to be serious about my time spent.
Wellllll, by then it was the end of week 4 going into week 5. I remember I was playing pool with Josh and maybe Alex...I can't really remember, and Kai walked into Milner with his trumpet case and folder (go figure...). I had met him the first week of camp, but we never really talked after. I was surprised when he asked to play and was actually quite glad he had. We ended up playing and talking about where we lived and how he used to live in a city that had a funny name...(actually, I just saw that in a program, but y'know). After pool a couple of them went to the gym to 'work-out' and he invited me and Josh to go. I ended up staying back and practicing but figured we would talk later because we were thinking about ordering a pizza later on. (Yes, I do remember these things...) Later on a couple of us ordered the pizza, and yes, it was very good. Quite oppposite to the cafeteria food. Jon, Alex and I decided to hide from the rest of the hungry campers. We headed up to the 2nd floor lounge but to our surprise people were watching a movie. Kai was in there, so I asked him if he wanted in on the pizza (& hotwings) but he declined :-p what a nut. So anyhow, we hid in a practice room on the second floor. We ended up devouring it all in no-time. Also, I must mention that we ordered pizza later on again--it was much fun. Also hiding in a practice room, Tim, Jesse, Justin, Ben, Jon, John and I played a few games of 20 questions. It was great.
A couple nights may even have been the next night-I don't really have any sense of time when I look back, Kai invited me to play ultimate with him and a whole group of people. I was kind of unsure about the whole thing, but Jesse convinced me to come along. I figured I would just watch and think about a few things. Well, Andrew was not going to have any of that. He got me to play and he said it would be stress-free and a lot of fun. Well, I don't know about you, but that always sounds like a good thing, so I played. And I'm really glad I did--I did have a lot of fun, and it took my mind off a lot of things. Jesse, Mike and I walked back together...I ended up talking to Jesse about a lot of stuff bothering me. He always had wise things to say, so it was nice having him to talk to. Apparently Jesse knew more about what was going on than I ever thought. We ended up filling in Mike and decided to talk to a few people about it and try to work things out. Welllll, that didn't work out so nice. By the time we got back it was time for bed and don't you just hate when that happens. I ended up running into Tony that night, and apologized for a lot of things because they effected him as well. (Wow, I'm getting really detailed.....I should stop.) So I don't really remember what happened after that. People moved on. I started hanging out with Kai and Bobby.
By week 5...I felt I needed to be around a different group of people. Don't get me wrong, I loved you guys--but being around guys all the time was getting a little...testosterone-over-powering. I remember getting hit in the leg with a soccerball by Julia, hahaha...that was our first encounter :-p I saw Susannah and Sasha a lot but never really talked. Of course we would exchange our hi's and hey's passing in the stairwell, but that's just being polite. I never thought I would become so close to them in a week! I ended up going with a group of people to the field for Ultimate again--I watched this time. I wasn't feeling all that great and I still had to reassure myself of a few things. I promised myself it would be the last day of confusion and uncertainty. The next time they played Ultimate, I played and had a blast. I began to talk to everybody a lot and get to know most of them. I ended up going with Kai to the grocery store and having a lot of fun trying to figure out what to get for lunch. We had decided that cafeteria food just wasn't going to cut it that day. So we did something about it. "What do you want to do..." "I don't know, what do you want to do?" "...I don't know..." Haha, we ended up buying awesome sip-a-bowls...and wobblers and wow. It was great. Okay, I really am getting way too into details. But I just HAD to mention the sip-a-bowls. How cool were they?!
Sometime inbetween there it rained horrendously. Yeah, raining at Guilford? Ha. At 10ish I decided I was really hungry and couldn't bare to spend the rest of the night wishing I wasn't, so I headed for the lobby and made my way to the door. When Jon and Josh asked me where I was going, I said McDonalds. I told Bobby he should come, and he was going to--until he stepped outside. Then he was like "Oh, No!" Haha, typical Bobby. It was pouring and it felt great. Saw Kai on the way there...told him I'd bring him back some fries, haha. Jon, Josh and I ended up having a great time in the rain. We got to McDonalds and we got all sorts of weird looks. It was soo crowded with kids there from the leadership conference. We walked back and enjoyed our McDonalds :) I found Kai down in the mattress rooms that he had shown me the day before (?) and had to give them to Jake to give to him. I didn't know Jake quite that well, so I thought he was going to steal them and eat them; him being the goon he is :-p But nahhh...Jake was quite the contrary. So I just realized I mixed this all up. This all occurred before frisbee. :) Moving on.
Yeah so, I ended up becoming close with that group. Susannah, Kai, Julia, Jake, Sasha, and Bobby. A lot of great things happened the last week : "Nihow! Do you know nihow?" Me, Susannah and Kai running (well, me and Susannah anyways) to sectionals, Asian ducks-Hai! , Water balloon fights, birthdays, jamming in a practice room trying to make a band...then trying to write a song...then not accomplishing either, movie nights every night, leaving Kai amazing messages on his phone, Tai restaurant, having sleepovers and sneaking Kai and Bobby up...that was some major 007 action, starbucks, master yoda, handstands (haha Bobby), etc. There were so many great times spent with so many people at EMF. I am glad I found that last group of people. I got close to them sooo fast, and I'm very thankful I did when I did. I guess Kai and Bobby were my link to that group---I thank both of you :)
So I am home's been a few weeks since EMF yet I think about it everyday. I feel like I learned a lot--about music, people, and life. I'm pretty sure I've made some life-long friends--the music world ain't that big, so I'm sure we will all see eachother very soon. It was probably one of the greatest summers of my life, if not the greatest. I thank every single person who went to EMF for making it indescribable.
When people ask me how EMF was, I always reply with "great", or "amazing", or "incredible"...but I'm really dying to just share with them every great, amazing, and incredible thing that happened down there. I never can--so this is my remedy. Never forget what happened down there guys. I love you all and you are all in my prayers.
"I had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you"
Signing out-- Nikia.