
Jul 19, 2007 18:34

It's my birthday tomorrow.  I turn 35.  I feel old, or at least I am feeling old right this minute.  Usually I don't, but I am feeling a bit 'precious' at work.

While I really like the new job, and generally the people I am working with.  I just don't feel as though I am connecting with any of them.  I have never been one of those types of people that have 'friends' at work.

I have always been a work is seperate from my private and social life.  Unfortunately the time that I have joined are all really close.  The have each other in their cellphones.  Okay so maybe I could get everyone else's cellphone, but I kind of feel rude if I have to ask for it. It's like I am forcing some pseudo-social pressure on them. (is that the right expression I am wanting?) Probably not..but anyway.. yeah that's how I am feeling.

So another year older and nother year  I don't feel like I am only 5 years away from turning 40.  That just seems kinda insane, I never thought I would be this old.

I have always had this belief that I would die relatively young. How young?  Well late 30's to mid-forties.  My father passed away when he was 62, my mother at 56.  Some of my uncles and aunts around the 50ish mark.  So yeah my family doesn't hang around long.

Gosh this post is maudalin.

Okay to try and cheer myself up.

The best things about being 35?  Nah, nope I got nothing. :P

death, birthday, work

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