REALLY Long Meme...

Oct 18, 2010 21:22

So a bunch of people have been posting this so I thought I'd give it a go.  2 posts in 1 day...craziness!


1. Are you single - Yep!  And kinda happy about it. ;)

2. Are you happy - Generally.  Not at work though tbh.

3. Are you bored - Nope, sleepy.

4. Are you naked - Ummm...under my clothes i am.

5. Are you a blonde - Yes!

6. Are you moody - I'm getting more so with age.

7. Are you a lover/hater - Oooo, usually a lover, unless I'm pissed!

8. Are you hot/cold - I'm always cold, even in the summer!

9. Are you Irish - Yep, can trace the roots back wicked long.

10. Are you Asian - Nope.


1. Name - Kate

2. Middle name - Perry

3. Any birth marks - Oh yeah, a butt load.   Irish remember?

4. Hair color - Blond

5. Natural hair color - Blond, it's all natural baby!

6. Eye color - Blue, but sometimes they look greenish.

7. Height - 5'2

8. Mood - Is tired a mood?

9. Favorite color - Purple!

10. One Place You Want to Visit - That I've never been? Egypt.


1. Do you believe in love at first sight - I'd like to say yes, but i've never seen it firsthand.

2. Do you believe in soul mates - Idk about soul mates, but i think some people are meant to be together.

3. Have you ever been in love? - Nope :(

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? - Oh hell yeah...

5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? - Not that I know of.

6. Ever had your heart broken? - Definitely

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - Yes.  Reason #411 why I'm still single.

8. Are you afraid of commitment? - No, but I like living my life the way I want it to be.

9. Who was the last person you hugged? - auntlolo_73

10. Who was the last person you said love you to? - My braintwin! Love you Gem!


1. Love or lust - Oh  maybe? lust is fun though...

3. Cats or dogs - Cats!  But I like dogs too.

4. A few best friends or many regular friends - Besties FTW!

5. Television or internet - Television on the internet. :)

6. Chinese Or Indian - Chinese

7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Wild night.  More fun to talk about the next day!

8. Money or Happiness - I think one equals the other! ;)

9. Night or day - Night

10. MSN or phone - Well I don't use MSN & I hate talking on the phone.  Can I choose Twitter?


1. Been caught sneaking out - Nope.  I was a boring kid.  Still kinda

2. Been skinny dipping - No, but i was the look-out! See? Boring!

3. Bungee jumped - I was so gonna do it but the line was waaaaaaay too long.

4. Finished an entire jaw breaker - No, ick!

5. Lied to someone you liked - Define 'lie' and 'like'.  We're gonna go with no, just to be safe.

6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back - Ugh, yes.  But i have to keep reminding myself that he's an ass!

8. Cried yourself to sleep? - Oh yeah...

9. Cried because you lost a pet - Omg yes!

10. Wanted to disappear - How about all last week at work?!


1. Smile or eyes - Probably smile

2. Light or dark hair - Dark...yum...

3. Hugs or kisses - Def kisses

4. Shorter or taller - Taller cause shorter than me is a freak show!

5. Intelligence or attraction - Intelligence.  Boy has to be able to carry on a convo you know?

6. Romantic or spontaneous - Romantic.  I'm a schedule-loving girl.

7. Funny or serious - Funny cause I like to laugh. :)

8. Older or younger - Older.  Younger guys suck! (until I'm old...then we'll revisit that one)

9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing.  I'll be quiet for the both of us.

10. Sweet or Bad Ass - Depends if this is a long term thing... ;)


1. Last phone call you made - My Daddy!

2. Last person you hung out with - auntlolo_73

4. Last time you worked - All day today...boooooooo

5. Last person you tackled - Probably one of my school friends.  No clue which one though.

6. Last person you IM - Omg I haven't IMed in years!

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - auntlolo_73 in Philly!!!

9. Last thing you missed - My Dad.  Hence why I called him!

10. Last thing you ate - Peanut Butter...mmmmmmmmm...


1. Sleep beside you? - Oh lord...that's going back a ways...does the cat count?

2. See you cry? - The cat again.  Or my rl bestie a few weeks ago.

3. You went out to dinner with? - auntlolo_73  (those so were not the best burgers I ever ate!)

5. You talked on the phone to? - Daddy! :D

7. Made you laugh? - Mo on Twitter about 30 seconds ago. :)


1. Pierce your nose or tongue? - um neither.  But i guess nose if i had to pick.

2. Be serious or be funny? - I'm already serious.  I'd be funnier if i could!

3. Drink whole or skim milk? - I use skim milk on cereal, but i don't drink it.

4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? - Again, neither is really an appealing option. Can I just pick 1 parent?


1. Simple or complicated? - I think I'm fairly simple.

2. Retarded? - More often then I admit lol


1. candy or flowers? - Well I don't eat candy

2. Gray or black? - Black

3. Color or Black and white photos? - It's all about the black & white.

4. Sunrise or sunset? - Sunset definitely

6. Staying up late or waking up early? - I'm way better in the morning but I hate getting up early!


1. Do you like anyone? - Like as in just straight 'like'.  Um, yeah, i like my friends.

2. Do they know it? - Yep, tell them all the time!


1. Nervous Habits? - Ooo, I play with my jewelry.

2. Are you double jointed? - My elbows are!  It's gross...

3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - Yep!

4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - *tries* don't think so...

5. Can you cross your eyes? - Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? - Hell no!  It's only gonna get used again.


1. Which shoe goes on first? - Right

2. Ever thrown something at someone? - Definitely

3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? - Like $50 for emergencies.

4. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - Twirl it.  Why in the hell would you cut it?

5. Have you ever eaten Spam? - Um, EW! No!

6. Favorite ice cream? - Cookies & Cream

7. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - 2

8. What’s your favorite beverage? - Alcoholic or not? Cause iced tea is good but you can't party with it!

9. Do you cook? - Yep!  & I love to do it!


1. Last Alcoholic Drink - I'm pretty sure it was a beer...Lori?

2. Last Car ride - Drove home from the gym tonight

3. Last Movie Seen - Best and the Brightest FTMFW!!

4. Last Song Played - Glee, What I Did for Love
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