The weekend has been...uneventful yet relaxing. After several days of R&R I'm getting back into the swing of things. I enrolled in one of Margie Lawson's courses called Deep Editing. You can check it out here: I've only just begun the first lesson (out of nine) but already I can tell this is exactly what my first novel needs. So look out novel #1, Margie Lawson and Lisa Basso are coming for you.
Again, I've only just begun this course but I'm thinking about taking another of her courses on body language that starts soon on If you're even the least bit interested in writing, check both these sites out.
On writing news, the outline for IL lagging, but slowly coming along. Hopefully some of these classes will improve and reignite my dedication to #3.
I have chosen the following song for inspiration today in order to break down some of my walls. Writing, I've learned--and am still learning--includes the difficult process of putting you and certain pieces of yourself out there for anyone to see. Part of me is afraid of this, afraid you'll all begin to see just how broken I have been in the past, but with that comes something greater, the fact that maybe someone will get something out of that. It suddenly becomes a way to connect with others, a similarity that brings us all together. So, the lesson I'm learning is that it's okay to open up, in fact it's part of the job, and to do so just might help someone else do the same. So in the spirit of breaking through some of my insecurities, here's a great song.