So in case you've been living under a rock (or aren't a writer, don't read any writer's blogs or follow any of them on Twitter or Facebook), November is
NaNoWriMo month. I'm participating. Are you? If so my id is
angel28140 and I'd love any extra friends :)
Lately I've heard a lot of negative/positive things about NaNo. My advice, don't fight. We should be supporting each other, not fighting over why NaNo works or doesn't work for particular people, because it doesn't matter. Whether writing 50k in 30 days works with your drafting style or not, it's all about personal preference and one way or another, we're all still writing (or plotting, or revising, or on submission) and that fact alone should bring us all together, not rip us apart. We have a fantastic writing community online and one little fight won't ruin it.
*End of hippie speech*
Since week one of NaNo started I've been busy. Busy writing, busy catching up on e-mail, busy working, and busy cleaning house. Whoever decided November (home of the post-Halloween hangover, Thanksgiving, Black Friday--aka biggest shopping day of the YEAR--and somewhere in there my birthday) was a good month to spout out 50,000 words must have either been insane or from a country where none of these things exist (which I guess is totally possible, but doesn't make it easy on the rest of us).
Now I'm not complaining. In fact, I'm loving the added cram sessions, and GRACEFUL DEATH, my NaNo project, is coming along amazingly well. I'm in love. Seriously. Draft zero is almost exactly where I want it to be. No, it's not perfect, but it's a first draft people. Unless you're meticulously obsessive, it's not going to be.
I love the characters, especially my MC. Her voice is so unique it makes me wonder how long she's been hiding, waiting to bust out of my imagination. I love where the plot's going and the paranormal elements (like nothing I've read before, which makes me all the more excited). And I love how everything seems to be coming together. What else am I loving? How quickly it's coming together.
21558 / 50000 words. 43% done!
The only problem? I've only plotted up to the halfway point, which I am fast approaching. I figure once I get there, I can start jotting notes down on my white board and connect the dots. Still, exciting!!!!