Getting ready for a long trip sucks. WARNING: irritating, winey rant to fill the remainder of this paragraph. I'm starting to pack, worry, and panic (just a little). I'm getting laundry done and cleaning because I can't stand coming home to a messy house, something I think I picked up from my Mom. The thought of the flight creates a horrible butterfly effect in my stomach, so I'm just not thinking about that now. And Texas was 104 degrees last time I talked to the parental unit. 104 DEGREES PEOPLE! I live in San Francisco. It's 70 degrees right now and I've got the fan on. Seriously.
Okay, rant over.
Moving on, "SA" is coming along--not as fast as I'd like, but progress isn't at a dead stop, so that's something. Here's to update:
28444 / 50000 words. 57% done!
Also, I've decided--if only to have something I can totally dive into to distract me from the three and a half hour plane ride--to begin a first edit of Darkness Rises, my sequel to Lost in the Shadows. I'm excited about this. I can't wait. Maybe I'll