Fandom, it’s time to throw caution/subtlety/taste to the wind. Unleash your inner weirdo (or your innermost weirdest layer of weird you’ve keep restrained beneath your surface weird) and immerse yourself in stories that smash canon and create a mishmash of fanfiction wonder. Crack and crossover to your heart’s content until you’ve left canon crying in a corner over its ruined existence.
(not my gif)
Open to all fandoms. All creative forms welcome: write fanfiction (crossovers! meta fic!), make graphics, gifspam, or even make an audio recording of your story/song/what-have-you. All languages also welcome (psst, multilingual folks). Remember, the more ridiculous, the better. Suspend your disbelief at the door and never look back. CRACK IS THE KEY TO REJOICING.
- Prompt thus: Fandom(s) - Characters/Pairing - Prompt
- Credit: If you’re incorporating other people’s artistic creations into your work, please credit when possible or at the very least include a disclaimer (i.e., not my gifs, not my graphics, etc).
- No Character Bashing (though loving mockery is welcome). There's a line we cross to have fun and a line we cross that offends -- use your judgment wisely.
- Include Warnings/Trigger Warnings for your offerings when appropriate.
SPREAD THE WORD:" href="">THE~ABSURD~COMMENT~FICATHON As always, be good to each other. We’re here to wank canon and canon alone.
*Psst, if anyone feels like making a ridiculous banner? That’d be lovely.