comics chatty (non-buffyverse! shocking, I know)

Sep 04, 2011 16:38

My urge to read ALL THE THINGS is re-awakening, and I've decided I want to venture forth into reading more comics besides my Buffyverse monthlies and the occasional X-Men issue. I'm planning on hunting down library copies of some of these works, simply because I price-shopped on Amazon and I'm pretty sure dropping a few hundred dollars on comics is ( Read more... )

in my flist i trust, comics, polls

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rhi_silverflame September 5 2011, 00:44:35 UTC
Okay, since it seems that people have pitched Fables to you but you're not interested because of Bill Willingham -- and I don't blame you at all there, since he is really the opposite of loved by a lot of the Stephanie Brown fans in DC fandom -- a similar sort of series that might interest you is Mike Carey and Peter Gross's The Unwritten.

It's basically brain candy for the lit geek, based entirely around the concept of literature influencing the collective imagination and therefore reality -- a little bit of the Fables concept mixed in with Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next books and a bit of Harry Potter. Plus Lizzie Hexam is a pretty kickass character.

Greg Rucka's Batwoman: Elegy trade is part of the Batman-verse, yes, but works very well as a standalone series. Kate Kane and Renee Montoya are nothing if not absolutely kickass female characters, plus the artwork in the book is stunning. (Going off that, I'd recommend Greg Rucka's The Question: The Five Books of Blood and The Question: Pipeline trades that focus on Renee Montoya as well.)

Oh, hell, anything by Greg Rucka is awesome -- his Queen and Country series and Stumptown from Oni Press are fabulous too. Definite recommendations from me.


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