comics chatty (non-buffyverse! shocking, I know)

Sep 04, 2011 16:38

My urge to read ALL THE THINGS is re-awakening, and I've decided I want to venture forth into reading more comics besides my Buffyverse monthlies and the occasional X-Men issue. I'm planning on hunting down library copies of some of these works, simply because I price-shopped on Amazon and I'm pretty sure dropping a few hundred dollars on comics is ( Read more... )

in my flist i trust, comics, polls

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angearia September 4 2011, 23:46:00 UTC
My reasons for not wanting to read Fables are a bit petty, but I just don't like the guy. My sole impression of him was his ripping into Buffyverse fandom with his professional tirade.

I'm pretty stuck on reading Frank Miller if only because I want to read the work that repackaged the Batman story. I'm curious, how is he like Brian Lynch? (Because if there's anything you could say that would scare me off, it's that! BLARGH.)

I've read Promethea and I really enjoyed it, though I felt it started to wander for large chunks there. It sounds like Watchmen is a tighter story, so I expect it'll fit me just right.

I have read Fray! Love that comic. I know some Buffyverse fans aren't into the dystopian future, but I really enjoyed it.

Neil Gaiman - the Sandman series is incredibly long and extensive. Warning - Bill Willingham took it over at one point. Start with volume 1. The Dreaming isn't by Gaiman.

Anything with B.Will's name on it will be avoided at all costs, never fear. :D

Black Orchid by Neil Gaiman is a beautiful comic about a female super-hero.

Rent the film Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi - amazing.

Now you're talking my language. I'll definitely check out Black Orchid and thanks for recommending the film version -- I didn't even know there was one!


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