My friend Carolyn

Jul 22, 2008 23:21

in my userpic - I was #412 and she was #413 at this year's Danskin. She had a nasty bike crash on Saturday doing the Longhorn HIM course with hubby Tom. She said while trying to get her head to stop spinning, she heard a car engine, looked up to see a van drive by without even slowing down to ask if anything was wrong, could they help, etc. 
triman to the rescue! All of us thank you for being a good cycling friend.

After the So. Mopac TT tonight I noticed he was standing next to a car that wasn't his. So I spun my legs out a little, came back to see what was up and found a "situation". Not the intended course of the evening. But it's not my story to tell. Suffice it to say it was my turn to ask if they had everything they need. We'd all made an agreement last night at GM swim that when we see a fellow cyclist down, we'd ask (and be sincere about it), "do you have everything you need?".

Carolyn reported that although she's not brave enough to get into Lake Travis to swim right now cause her wounds aren't scabbed over yet, she did do a short ride. Hope to see her this weekend.

As for my TT, forget it. I bombed on my schedule today. I should have done a 3 mile run before work but last night stayed up too late(that TCM network showed 'Apocalypse Now' till damn near 2am) so blew it off, then my Intel meeting went the full hour and I didn't get in my pool swim w/speed work @ noon, so plan B was to do the So. Mopac TT after a 2-3 mile warmup, then a cooldown lap and then do that 3 mile run. Forget it. It was so damn hot and the wind (Hurricane a'comin???) was a factor. I'd only brought one liter bottle of gatorade (hey, it's only 8 miles, right?) but that was drained pretty much during the TT, which my unofficial, Garmin 301 reports was an abysmal 25:30. That's about 1:15 slower than the last time I did it with Coach Jen, and about 90 sec slower than what I had hoped for. But then I was also hoping for windless conditions like last time, which we didn't get. Thank goodness for the Source Endurance tent - I filled up my bottle after the first loop and said my grateful "thanks for bringing this out". Then I went out for a "cooldown" loop. That one took a leisurely 30 min.

That's when I caught up with
triman and Randy. Hope everything worked out okay.

tomorrow: I gotta do that damn 3 mile run! then I have TxI women's swim. Back at HH.. oh boy!


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