Title: Happy Family
Author: Amber (anemptymargin)
Fandom: Psych
Pairing(s): Gus/Shawn/Juliet, Shawn/Juliet, Shawn/Gus, Gus/Juliet
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Summary: Nerves shot with a particularly difficult case; Shawn, Jules, and Gus begin to examine their relationships and learn more about love.
Notes: For
psychbigbang, this started out as a much shorter story and sort of exploded. Many thanks to
gypsyjr for serving as my beta and most excellent artist too!
Word Count: 51,966
Posted To:
psych_tvDisclaimer: This is a work of fictional parody in no way intended to infringe upon the rights of any individual or corporate entity. Any and all characters or celebrity personae belong to their rightful owners. Absolutely no money has or will be gained from this work. Please do not publicly link, repost or redistribute without letting me know first.
Beautiful artwork:
here Happy Family