Title: Flamingly Gay Road Trip Adventure (Except Not) AKA: The Adventures of Sassy Cops in Love
Author: Amber (anemptymargin)
Fandom: Psych
Pairing(s): Henry Spencer/Carlton Lassiter
Posted to:
psych_slashRating: Explicit
Summary: The secretly-a-couple-but-barely, Henry and Carlton go on a road trip in a '57 Chevy Bel Air to the country's biggest gun show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Along the way, Henry starts trying to push Carlton out of his comfort zone to accept that like it or not they're in a relationship and it's okay. Carlton... is a jackass that can't handle being "the gay detective" and pushes the other direction. Barbecue, arguments, awkwardness, guns, and vacation-beard smut ensue. At the end... things can't go back to where they were before.
Notes: This is the central part of the
universe I've created specifically for this 'ship. The other stories are not required reading but give the background for how they got to this point. My contribution to the
journeystory big bang challenge on livejournal. So many thanks go to my lovely artist,
megan-moonlight who created a beautiful header, background and wonderful icons to go with my fic in this little odd ship. I owe you, hon… you rock my world. Dedicated to my Lassie muse in hiding, Becca.
Word Count: 15,539
Disclaimer: This is a work of fictional parody in no way intended to infringe upon the rights of any individual or corporate entity. Any and all characters or celebrity personae belong to their rightful owners. Absolutely no money has or will be gained from this work. Please do not publicly link, repost or redistribute without letting me know first.
Flamingly Gay Road Trip Adventure (Except Not)