I'm attempting
NaNoWriMo again. For the uninitiated NaNoWriMo is a contraction of NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth and the idea, as the name suggests, is to write a novel in the space of a month. The target is 50,000 words which works out at around 1,667 per day.
I last tried in 2004, if you recall, and I failed to get past 6,000 words. Not an epic fail but way short of the 50,000 needed for win. As yet I have no idea what my novel will be about. Well...I say I have no idea, I actually have a few ideas, some, all or none of which will make it into my efforts when I start tomorrow.
I have a lot more free time than I did in 2004 so I'm hoping I can finish this time. I know I can write the quantity of words in the allotted time, 1,667 words in a day is not very much at all, but I don't know whether I can manage to write the quantity of words in the specific period required. We shall see.
My progress can be seen at
this page here and I may well post here to update you.