I couldn't find my toothbrush, so I busted out a new one from my drawer o' toiletries. (I managed to fit everything in there: contacts, soap, floss, box of hair dye, etc.) IT FELT SO COOL IN MY MOUTH. also it's got those little ridges on the back that are supposed to brush gunk off the inside of your lips, which is cool. oh look there's my toothbrush on my bedstand. dang I'm unobservant. Well, it's falling apart anyway, so into the trash.
UGH reception here. I have to charge my phone practically every other day. It's almost not worth carrying it around with me. Anyway. um. GOOD little things. TEA. Tea is a little thing and we have SO MUCH OF IT. it is so good.
Slightly bigger thing: Rob's here! This guy Rob, a new volunteer, was supposed to arrive a week ago, but he was driving out from Maine and I guess he got waylaid a little coming out. I haven't actually talked to him yet, but I imagine Tara will bring him by my office during his site tour. I did hear that he made great friends and made merry and mirthful at din-dins tonight, so I'm glad he'll be my neighbor. (Oh man, it must be getting close to shipment: all the yomes are full, the volunteer cabins are filling up... I'll be impressed when the management has to juggle beds like professional clowns in a few weeks.)
Another slightly bigger thing: we're coming to the end of the
YesheDe.org web page rebuilding project. It was kinda old and scrappy before; now it's new and shiny! (Well, it's new and see-through.) Furthermore, on Wednesday, I'll be adding in a special treat: mini-interview videos with volunteer workers here! I showed it to one of the guys from the Nyingma Institute who's up here on retreat right now does web pages for them and we chatted about different technologies and he gave me some great tips which I'll be using on some of Dharma Publishing's websites. Anyway, check out the
web site (especially if you work here at the Ling!) and, if you notice anything that needs fixing, drop me a line. Oh, and if you're thinking of coming out here or have a friend who'd be interested, tell them to check out
Volunteer Land.
Final thought: after just watching Pan's Labyrinth, the wind gusting around outside spooks me out a little bit, like I'll be approached to a faun whilst I'm en route to the bathroom.