To save you all the trouble of parsing through this verbose document, here's the skinny:
A woman (Jodi Kaye) initiated a class action lawsuit against Southwest. She says that Southwest should refund the 9/11 and PFC surcharges for nonrefundable airline tickets purchased, canceled, and then not used within the allotted time (one year) in which the funds could be applied to other travel.
Their proposed settlement:
1. $4 refund for each ticket
2. Clarify the policy to reflect the fact that you do indeed forfeit those fees when you fail to use the credit.
3. $120,000 in legal fees.
I don't know about you, but this sounds downright retarded and abjectly litigious. This fool may get $20 out of the deal, but she's costing Southwest exorbitant legal fees. I highly doubt this is a serious issue, i.e. that Southwest is unethically making money off of these security charges for tickets not used within a year. The witch even has the ovaries to seek an incentive award of two free round-trip tickets to anywhere of her choosing as compensation for her services to the settlement.
Bullshit. If you can't manage to use that credit within a year - a courtesy unparalleled by any other airline - then $4 clearly won't make a difference to you when you just wasted several hundred dollars. Think of it as a stupid tax.
I think what really chaps my ass about the whole kufuffle is that she is bringing menial legal action against an upstanding, customer-oriented, damn good company that seems to be the only one that knows how to properly run an airline.