Bones - Hero in the Hold
I liked it. I didn't love it, because it was nowhere near as good as Aliens in a Spaceship, but it was good enough.
I could've done without the ghost storyline. Yes, it's tough to write one character by himself for so much of the episode, because you either have to have them talk to themselves, which gets really old and really fast, or you have to trust the audience to figure out wtf is going on without any help. Ghosts and hallucinations are one way to work around that, and I wouldn't have minded Teddy Parker as much if we hadn't had a Booth hallucination scene just last episode. But the story between Booth and Teddy was sweet enough, I guess (really could've done it without the final scene where Brennan talks to the ghost and shit).
I loved Jared in this episode... he totally redeemed himself. I wonder if any B/B shippers got annoyed at him calling Brennan "Tempe" and Temperance, because I... kind of liked it. I was also surprised at the fact I cheered when I saw Peyton. I'm kind of liking her character, even though I don't want to. Sweets annoyed me in this episode, because he couldn't stop profiling the GD in front of her-- come on! Loved how Brennan hit the GD.
Also loved how Angela told Brennan that she loved Booth, followed by "we all love him." <3
Fringe - Transformations
Also a pretty good episode. Too little funny Walter for my taste. Also, Liv and HeadJohn is getting old, but OMFG every time he looks at her, it freaks me the fuck out.
And how fucking adorable was Peter when he was holding Liv after the bath, like in the Pilot? He's all concerned, and then later he's there for her at the meeting. They're becoming really good partners, and I'm a sucker for that.
I liked the clarification that Astrid and Liv haven't known each other for a very long time.
And YAY, we got a scene at MD! They'd been absent for far too long.
Lost - Little Prince
Can I just say that the book this ep gets its title from creeps me the fuck out? Because it does.
Anyway... OMG SO MUCH SHIPPINESS! Kate's "I have always been with you," surprised the hell out of me. And when she says Sawyer's gone-- not dead, but gone just the same, it's... awesome. It really explains how she was able to allow herself to be happy, even if temporarily, with Jack in the future.
God, how I love Kate as a mom. I know I mention this every week, but it seriously makes me ovaries happy to watch her with Aaron.
I'm also shipping Sawyer/Juliet bad. "Stop shouting, James," hee!
Sawyer seeing Kate deliver Aaron was ♥
Awww, he's telling Juliet he saw Kate! He likes her.
"Aaron's my family too" -- I was all weepy 'cause I thought Jack meant Aaron was his family because Aaron's her son, but then I remembered he's literally family. :( but still, aw. Evie has the most adorable crying face ever, it just makes me wanna hug her.
Yay, more J/Sawyer. Awww, they're bonding over his love for Kate. This is so... awkwardly sweet. NOOOOO! NO NOSEBLEEDS FOR JULIET!
Seriously though, JJ, can I get an ambiguous ending that hints at an OT4? 'cause I don't think Jack and Kate could forget their lives back in the future, and I don't think Kate could forget Sawyer either, and I don't want Juliet to be lonely.