May 02, 2009 16:01
Wow, I really need to get on my shit... Obviously I can't remember every day and all that, but I will attempt a round out for y'all here, so here it goes:
I'm pretty sure that Monday is when I took my mom to that Thai place by here house, at Loehman's, one Thai Cottage Restaurant. I wanted to take my mom somewhere, and it was only a block away, and curry always puts me in a good mood. And this rather unassuming place has, I joke not, the most divine curry every created. I don't know what they put in it, but it just put me in such a euphoric mood... My mother calls me the other night to say how I didn't complain aboot anything that day. Hey, when there's good food, what the fuck you gonna be complaining for, eh?
Also: booze. Good company at Up the Y, that sketch-looking cement block of a bar on the Y where Fulton and Munroe separate right there by Loehman's. Went in there Tuesday night, I believe, desperate for a Bloody Mary... Met this awesome black tattooed chick named Shay who showed me how to do a Patron shot, and I had a Cherry Bomb before that and an Adios after... Stumbled the block home, screaming in French, and my glasses, barely hanging by on a thread since 8th grade, finally broke.
So, I have new glasses, which finally came in the mail. And I got a haircut before I left Sac. I look like a boy again. And I bought a shit ton of clothes from Thrift shopping. And that was my Spring break.
Oh, also saw Slumdog Millionaire at the Tower with Mike that Friday, and had a sleepover with Cat on Saturday before I left. Me and her and Faith drank vodka and Kerns in a darkened creekbed while coyotes were howling. My mom called me to tell me she'd fallen down and couldn't get up. We were drunk by that time and laughing and my mom said, "It's not funny." I told her to call 911. She calls me back later to tell me the nice firemen picked her up. Me and my schoolgirls giggled and catcalled on that one.
Then, Sunday evening, I flew back and Carlos picked me up. I blew him a little while we were on the highway from Ontario. And I haven't seen him since then, actually... but that's another story.
Yeah, so let's get on to the past three weeks, shall we?
spring break,