31 Days of Tori -- Day 1: The Song that Introduced You to Tori Amos

Aug 31, 2012 10:24

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I got the anti-Christ in the kitchen yellin’ at me again yeah I can hear that been saved again by the garbage truck I got something to say you know but NOTHING comes yes I know what you think of me you never shut-up

In anticipation of the new album next month (OMG), I've decided to do this meme. The first time I heard Tori Amos was in the parking lot of a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop; "Silent All These Years" was playing on the radio. My mom and sister were inside getting ice cream (hot fudge sundae for me). I was 14 and it was probably late August, because it was night, but warm enough to have the windows in the car rolled down. I remember I liked the piano but I thought her singing was wierd and the lyrics too melodramatic. Which is ironic, considering that the Les Miserables soundtrack was my constant obsession that year. But the psyche has strange ways of protecting itself. Those lyrics above pretty much sum up my entire relationship with my mom; it's like my subconcious tucked away this crystallized snapshot in time, for when I'd be ready to hear them.

tori amos

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