Oct 24, 2005 23:08
Like inside fortune cookies, they're no longer fortunes all the time. Sometimes they're just words of encouragement. Lucky numbers, although that's semi-more-traditional.
Inside the little individually-wrapped halloween bite-size dark Dove pieces. There are so many little sayings, that you have to keep eating to read them, hoping to finally get a repeat and stop eating...but then you don't get a repeat, and damn! that's vicious. a vicious vicious ploy!
Like "like" or other key-words that turn you off, or should...
Like "babe."
Who says that? Guys know not to say that. They just don't do it anymore, but then some do, and you're like "what!?" But depending, it's kindof okay. You're not sure just how you feel about it. Maybe it's the fact that it annoys you that makes it more attractive.
Like little promises to get together soon, until you've said so many promising sayings to end conversations that you finally owe someone to show up for yourself. Even though you want to show up for them for you, because you like them, and you honestly do want to get to know them better, and potentially let them in and love them like you wish you could love people in such a difficult, disjointed community of a school campus.
Like fibs that your parents tell you, little catch phrases of I'm fine, but what's new with you, because what they really mean is, I may not be fine, but I'd rather not talk about it, because you're a distraction from all that. They love you, hearing about your life for that exact reason, it takes them away from what's going on in their own lives. Not that they want to live through you, but because as you grow older and you concentrate your efforts on a society of family rather than friends, you limit yourself to contact with fewer and fewer people, and then you grow with each addition to the family, with kids, until they leave. And then it's only a matter of time before the last one leaves, and they're empty-nested. Empty-nested and somehow strikingly, suddenly alone. With the occasional book club anad neighbor for comfort, but their best friends are you, but you don't know it. And they want to talk all about you, but you don't know it, and you think they're denying you the priviledge of becoming best friends with your own parents, because they won't share their secrets, because there's a degree of seperation there.
Just on the mind...
...thought maybe someone would be interested to know. That is, if they're going through anything similar at the moment.