So... I'm writing my theatre essay. And... it doesn't really matter how much research I do or how enthusiastic I am about the topic or how much effort I put into each individual word. What really fails me? Basic Math
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You probably thought I wasn't around because I was studying hard. Well you'd be WRONG. Maths is in two days and I have yet to properly crack a book. Sigh.
Well, the last four days I was at Marshmead. It's far away. I had to drive 2 hours each way. I eventually told my Dad that he seriously had to stop telling me whenever
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Natural numbers from 1 to 10 Are all denoted by letter N The letter Z means integers Which are the same... but with negative numbers Numbers in Q are those that are rational Everything goes there as long as it's fractional Then into R goes the rest, that's fine "Real" numbers can go on a number line.
So I am officially enrolled in the Oxford IB Revision course thing. Five days - the Sat-Thurs before mock exams... there seems to be something wrong with the logic that the maths exam is the next day and I obviously won't have revised it.. but meh. Maths isn't what I'm worried about. (And if you'd have told me this time last year that I would ever
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