Jan 29, 2004 13:01
Morning, I am at school!!! This morning was extremely complicated when me and Caitlin had to switch lockers, the indignity!! We had the perfect spot and then we got moved into the worst one POSSIBLE. Then there was photos and other crap. Currently sitting in Neville building eating lunch with pals!
Caitlin: h e l l o ? ahhh i think there are people in there. STRANGE people hehehe
Let me clarify. Extremely weird pals. Poor Yi got switched between classes twice. I find this mean. I will exterminate all teachers before the year is out, just watch me.
Caitlin: remember to get Ms Weber, and please GOD don't forget Ms Brooks or the world is doomed, DOOMED I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I have English with Ness, Media and RE with Caitlin, Music with Charli(!) and French and Music with Bronwyn! This makes me happy.
Caitlin: I am starting to get the hang of this, and surprise surprise! I am actually enjoying myself. NOTE TO SELF: remember to steal Vicky's musli bar before lunch is out.
Apples are healthier anyway. And it's berry. Ick. My sandwiches were kind of dry, too. Oh well: I'm not complaining. Misha was sick last night and made a mess. Ew. I have English later. This pleases me.
Anyway, I shall deter from incredible rambling crap, and return when I am home. Goodbye.