"And all we do if give back to You what always has been Yours."

Jan 25, 2005 20:18

I'm so beyond lucky to have the people in my life that I do.
I have the most amazing friends in the world.
Anna, probably unknowingly, just improved my mood by huge amounts.

I realized that I've reached the point where I can put everything in God's hands and be okay with that. For a long time that was such a terrifying concept to me.
I'm a control freak and I like to hold on to things. But these past 6 months or so I realized that I'm okay with knowing that praying is the most I can do, because that can be so incredibly powerful.
Yes, I'm worried about Corey, and I'm not going to stop being worried.
I don't know if I can explain this appropriately. But if anyone reading this could pray from him as well (or just wish for the best, whatever suits your fancy because I just happen to be extremely into political correctness) then that would be wonderful.
But he'll be okay, because that's just the way us Alberto's are. It's in our blood or something.

andy57lp: ive been thinking about you and praying for you
bnlax27: thanks
bnlax27: i was up till 3 last night and i made it through the day fine
bnlax27: thats not possible with out God
andy57lp: that's right, and He's totally with you right now because He's ridiculously cool that that.
bnlax27: i love God he just rules
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