Mar 21, 2005 17:57
You people will not hear from me for over a week dont worry I am ok just a few technical itchs. My boys are at their mothers until Friday I miss them they are always in my heart and mind. Lauren is ok she went to Blackpool on Saturday. I looked at her last night shes no longer a little girl now she changeing into a young beautiful woman. I am so proud of her but her behaviour can be out of control at times like any other teenager. I realised that its not me who is loosing out but her mother. I had a very good weekend even though it was quiet. Been to pick up Sean my employers son today from the Shamens(Norman). Norman gave me a book on Tarot and a pendilum. To make sure the Pendulum works you have to ask simple questions at first. I started off with asking the Pendilum to point ot Yes and No. Forwards and Backwards is Yes. No is from side to side. You all have a good Easter now and I will be thinking of you all.
Andy X.