Mar 17, 2005 10:07
Not a bad day yesterday the healing is going well I think. All the kids are well and fine all at school they have finaly twisted my arm up my back to get Broad Band in our home for them I wanted it to so I can let off steam by putting more comments in Lj its nice to have so many freinds in different countries. One thing I seem to have found is that the laws suck regarding kids I sometime feel that those who do the dirty deeds have more rights than their victims. Maybe its me but all our exs seem in alot of cases to have one thing in common their corrupt. Those we pay our taxes to pay huge salaries for those in Authority dont seem to listen to a word we say. Our exs lie cheat steal etc etc from those they claim to love lets get real here theres only one person they love thats themselves. Maybe its time that Judges etc where elected that way we could fire them more easily if they are shown to be incompetent does any one else agree??. I would be curiouse to hear from people.
Oh my healing is doing realy well now. I will let you know if any more tasks have to be performed next week.