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andvari5 September 20 2024, 18:12:36 UTC

Неолит был практически везде. Но не везде он связан со сменой или появлением нового населения. И на самом деле не всегда связан с земледелием.

Турменские неолитические люди на анатолийских не похожи.


strelok_garry September 21 2024, 03:51:30 UTC

Спасибо огромное за таблицу!

Понятно ..

Буду думать ..

2 просьбы имеются:

1. Не могли бы вы дать ссылку, что бы что-нибудь почитать про туркменских неолитчиков?

2. Не могли бы вы сбросить такую же таблицу, но уже про анатолийских земледельцев? Или указать где она имеется.

Можно не спешить - я не тороплюсь. Когда у вас будет свободное время.

Заранее благодарю! 😊


andvari5 September 21 2024, 10:05:26 UTC

Анатолийские земледельцы отдаленно похожи на современных сардинцев.

Я честно говоря сильно не вдавался, что там в неолите Туркмении. Туркменские неолитический образец отсюда
В статье, откуда образец, указано следующее:

Monjukly Depe. Settlement.

Elizaveta V. Veselovskaya and Vasilyev Sergey

An ancient Neolithic settlement on the left bank of the Tejen River (South Turkmenistan) was

discovered in 1960 by archaeologist A.A. Marushchenko. Excavations were also carried out

1961 by Berdiev and 2010-2014 by Bernbeck & Pollock. Datings range ca 6000-5650 cal BC

and 4800-4350 cal BC millennium BC which corresponds to the Jeyton and Anau I A

cultures, i.e. Neolithic and Eneolithic


. The Eneolithic settlement arose on the ruins of the

village of the Jeytun culture


. Ceramics of the late stage of the Jeytun culture, silicon drills

and scrapers were found, although microplates predominate, and there are also many

copper products.

The location is important for establishing regional chronology because here the Chalcolithic

layers follow the Neolithic layers. However, in 2010 subsequent excavations revealed a long

break in settlement between the end of the Neolithic settlement (layers XV, 6200-5600 BC)

and the Chalcolithic migration (layers IV-I, 4650-4340 BC). Based on this, the "Mean horizon"

was defined here, which, apparently, is limited to the Kaka region in Turkmenistan and

precedes the phase IA of the Anau culture. Layers IV-I were excavated over a large area.

They contain standard houses with a square layout and columns in the middle of the rooms.

In the upper two layers, a closed open space was discovered, in which, judging by the

animal bones found here, banquets took place. In the lowest layer IV, a house was found

with a wall painting depicting two people, also with some abstract patterns. The inhabitants

of the Monzhukli depots lived by cattle breeding and agriculture. Among herd animals, sheep

and goats predominated. Cattle, as well as their skulls, played an important role at feasts. As

for wild animals, the remains of gazelles and onagers were found. Barley and wheat played

an important role in arable farming, and analyses potentially indicated simple irrigation. Very


little pottery was produced in the Chalcolithic Monzhukli Depe. On a general level, there are

ceramic parallels to the Sialk II/Ceshme Ali horizon of the Iranian highlands.

A burial ground was found with seven buried, whose bones are partially covered with ocher.

Two of them are head-oriented to the north-west, the rest to the north and northeast. The

anthropological type of the buried is characterised as the eastern Central Asian



. In the studied population, two anthropological types are distinguished: one

Proto-European with a low and wide face, and the other having southern signs (small

protrusion of the nasal bones, pronounced prognathism), which brings it closer to the South

Indian anthropological type.

Literature: Korobkova 1969


; Ginzburg & Trofimova 1972


; Bernbeck & Pollock 2016



strelok_garry September 23 2024, 17:52:19 UTC

Огромное вам спасибо за развернутый ответ и за таблицу!

Да .. Теперь наглядно видно, что анатолийцы и туркмены очень разные по происхождению ..

Получается, вряд ли у анатолийцев была миграционная волна на восток. Иначе бы сохранились какие-то общие корни ..


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