Obligatory Wednesday Gossip Girl post

Oct 21, 2009 07:24

Well, despite the hype, the whole Chuck Bass kisses a guy thing was kind of a letdown - much as I expected it might be. Still, at least we got canon bisexuality out of it (or at least canon acknowledged experimentation, but whatever, I'm taking it as a nod to the fact that Chuck is gayer than Christmas in the books.)

I'm in two minds about what they're doing with Blair at the moment. On the one hand, I think it's quite realistic how they're showing her trying to adjust to the changes in her life and be a better person, but discovering that her insecurity and her old manipulating habits die hard. On the other hand, however realistic this might be, it's kind of frustrating to watch her make the same mistakes repeatedly. I still think she's the most interesting character in the show from a psychological perspective, but sometimes I do just want to give her a bit of a shake. Also: are we ever going to see Blair's parents (or indeed Cyrus) ever again? Perhaps they're victims of the budget cuts. Still, I like that she has Lily in loco parentis, since while Blair and Serena don't have that much screentime together any more, I like that they have an understanding with each other's families. Also, "where did you learn to give a pep talk - Guantanamo?" made me laugh, and I think the assertion that Chuck would kiss ANYTHING to help Blair sounded better coming from Lily (Chuck's stepmother - although whose stepmother is she not these days?) than it would've done coming from Eleanor.)

Vanessa...oy. I just found her to be a little too easily convinced by Blair's manipulations, like she hasn't already fallen for this sort of thing several times and ended up with egg on her face. I mean, I guess you could say that having her mother around made her act uncharacteristically defensive, but I would've thought she'd still have enough sense to realise that Blair will always try to play her.

Olivia: are we really supposed to believe that she came to NYU to experience the lifestyle of a normal student, yet didn't arrange it at a time when she didn't have premieres to attend and trips to Japan scheduled? I don't think the producers really thought that through. I like her with Dan, though. And as much as it pains me to admit it, Dan is a bit less of an ass this year.

The Serena/Carter/Nate storyline was interesting. I suspected that Nate may have planned to set Serena up all along because he seemed so unconcerned by the way the poker game was going (I figured it was either that or the fact that Chace Crawford is not an especially brilliant actor, which is equally plausible), but I'm sad that the Serena/Carter storyline looks like it's over, because I thought they were good together, and I liked having Sebastian Stan on the show.

And the ratings: ouch. Isn't that the lowest they've fallen since halfway through season one? It's a shame because I think this was one of the better episodes of this series, but yeah: I'm beginning to suspect season four won't be happening.

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