And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:
Hayley's Supanova Post (well... the stuff that she can remember, anyway...)
BTW, I'm a little pissed because some of my photos decided that they wanted to be "corrupted". Stupid camera.
on with the show )
The gal dressed as Rose was last-chael. She's from Brisbane and is in the Australian Costumers' Guild:
Yes, that was her dressed as Kaylee in Brisbane :) She's from Brisbane, as was the guy dressed as the doctor :)
If you keep an eye on her journal and the costumers' guild forums, you should see some pics of them :) They looked fantastic!
They did look so good!
Zerebin (the doctor) was very much in character as well :) It was very entertaining :)
Really? That costume was awesome. Totally cool. I think I may have taken a photo of my friend and him.
Yup I was the chicka in the Rose dress (I <3 that dress, though I really want to remake it coz I found better material :P) and yup, I was also dressed in the maidenhead patchwork jacket Kaylee at Brisnova. I'm sorry you missed us, it would have been awesome if you had come over to say hi! It's always great to meet other firefly/dr who fans :D Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you liked my dress! Not that many people recognised it, so it was awesome when people did! :D
It would be fantastic if you came to Brissie next year! I'm sure the guests will be great! :D
I probably will come to Brissy, I just have to organise everything, closer to the date.
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