cardio cardio cardio

Oct 30, 2006 15:55

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:

Hayley's Supanova Post (well... the stuff that she can remember, anyway...)
BTW, I'm a little pissed because some of my photos decided that they wanted to be "corrupted". Stupid camera.

So, it started with my Mum driving me and my friend Shantelle to Sydney. This involved lots of photos of me and her in the car being crazy (big fun) and lots of lolly snakes (yum).
Unfortunately none of these photos worked as they were "corrupted". Stupid. And they were good, too.
But I forgot my phone so I couldn't write down the things that she said like I did last time. Hmmmf.

Then we got to catch trains from my Aunty's house (where we were staying) to the preview night. This was too funny, as we had to change trains three times, and one time, we had to walk to the other side of the platform and Shantelle thought she found a shortcut ("Hey, you can walk straight through here." "Um, no, you can't.") The shortcut turned out to be the men's toilets, and she screamed and ran out. (HEE!)
And we missed a train, and it was really fun.

Okay, preview night.
The pies were horrible. Blech. *nods*
Um... We went and sat down at the Anime area cause we saw people there. And then we followed the line of people into the Seminar room, and sat down (in the middle, but there were tall people in front of us, so we couldn't really see, and so to take photos, I stood at the side.)
Turns out, the photos are either blurry or "corrupted", so it didn't matter anyway.
Exhibit A:

Yeah... That's probably the best photo from Friday. Hmmmf. Stupid camera.

So the Q&A...
Summer was really funny, and sweet and nice.
The highlights:
- When the guy had to run back and forth to each side to get the question askers (that makes sense... shut up.) Summer's like "Cardio cardio. Cardio."
- A girl asked how she was liking Australia so far, Summer said that they (Her & her mum) went to the Sydney Opera House the night before and saw a requiem. She said it was really good.
- Then the same girl asked whether we could hear some "River lines."
"Um, no."
"Fair enough."
- She's working on a new independant movie. And The 4400, and The Unit. She likes her character in The Unit cause she's like "trailer-trash" and a bit more normal than her other characters.

Then we lined up for ages to get her autograph, and I got a River promo pic from Firefly. Ummm... So when I got there, I was like "Can I give you a present?" And she was like, "Uh, sure..." And I pulled out a little toy koala with a Aussie flag, and s jar of Vegemite (You can't come to Australia and not have Vegemite) and TimTams (her mum seemed very impressed by these). She said thanks and seemed really happy with the strange Aussie food. :)
And she wrote "For Sweet Hayley" How nice? This girl is so nice. :)

And there was a girl (who looked a bit like one of the girls who dressed up as Kaylee in Brissy) dressed up as 1950's Rose from The Idiot's Lantern, who's costume was so good. And a guy dressed as the Doctor, who had a working Sonic Screwdriver *is jealous*. I was gonna go and get a photo of their awesome costumey-ness, But by the time we were done in the atuograph line they had disappeared.

Then we went home. Which involved more trains and the crazyness that is us getting on the wrong train and right before it left, it said "next stop: Blacktown" And I'm like "Oh crap. Get off get off get off. Wrong train!" And we were screaming and running down stairs to get off before it left. So funny. But we got home okay, so that's good.
Then we watched the last half of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and Veronica Mars (Good ep, yes it was.)


I really like this photo even though it's blurry.

We caught trains, and didn't realise that there was a train to Olympic Park (cause it said not on Weekends) so we had to walk from Concord West Station and through Bicentennial Park, and we got lost cause people gave us the wrong directions, but we got there at like 1:30 or so... then we went to the other room (with the stalls and then signatures, and whatnot...) And we walked around a bit... Saw some famous people. You know, the usual.
Clare Kramer looks really pretty with brown hair. She was really nice, too. And Colin Cunningham was kinda funny. I didn't get to see Mira Furlan or Kevin Weissman though. :( I wanted to see Marshall. *pouts*

Anywho... Then we went over to the seminar room again... So many people. My gosh.

The Q&A:
We sat on the side of the room, and then Summer came in and everyone cheered (duh)
- She said that the original reason she moved to LA was because a boy said that she should come (because he lived there) and a week after she moved to LA, he moved to NY because he got a Broadway gig. She said "Never do something becasue of a boy. ... Or girl."
- When she first moved to LA, she was really stressed out and wanted to move back home, but her parents wouldn't let her. "No, Summer. You're not moving back. Just go and relax and have a bath."
- She said she always travels with a member of her family, like her mum, or one of her sisters.
- She has two sisters, one's in medical school and the other's in Paris.
- When she wanted to quit and move back home, she kept saying to her parents "I'm not good enough."
Her Dad said: "You were born good enough." Awww. Her dad's so nice.
- When someone asked her to do the dance in "Safe" (seriously) she regretfully declined due to the fact that she was wearing a dress and heels.
- She said that Nathan's the funniest one of the cast. And Joss, too. And they're really smart, too, and she can't keep up with them.
- "Joss is boss."
- Someone asked her about her religion/beliefs, and she said that she went to a Baptist church with her family back in Texas, and she did Awana (like Christian girl scouts) and now she goes to a Prestbyterian church. She says she's not really one denomination, but she has a relationship with God.
- When asked about weird things that have happened to her involving fans, she said that once, when her printer broke, she had to ring up the company so that she could get it fixed. And she had to say what was wrong with it, like waht was going on, so the guy would know how to fix it (over the phone) and as well as that, she had to give some info about her. The guy asked "So who am I speaking to?" And she's like "Summer." and then a few more questions, and then they fixed it, and then he's like "By any chance, am I speaking to River?" And she goes "Yeah." and then there's this pause and after a moment, she just hears this giggling coming from his end. HEE!

After the talk, when she was leaving to go back to the autograph part, she stopped to talk to a couple people (one of them being me! YAIY!) I asked her if she liked the Vegemite, she hadn't had it yet, but she wanted to know how to eat it. "Do you put it on, like toast?" Cute!

So then we went to the autograph place again, and walked around a little. Then we waited ages because one of my other friends wanted to get a photo with Clare Kramer (who's really nice and got photos with whoever wanted one) So since I waited for so long, I decided to get a phot with her. Two, acutally. Both ended up blurry. So then I took a photo of her shoes. Cause I could. The end.

Then we went home, and actually caught all of the right trains. But it was windy walking to my Aunt's house from the train station and my lips now have wind-burn. Owie. And red.

I'll probably think of more things later, so... Yeah.

To the people who were dressed up on Friday night as Rose & The Doctor from "The Idiot's Lantern" with the working Sonic Screwdriver: What kind of batteries do you use for that?

Please don't take these pictures without my permission first.
And don't use them for art of any kind.
If you really want to use them for something, ask me first.
Thanks, it's common courtesy.
Except Kara. *huggles* Oh, and Kara, I'm gonna give you more photos if you want. :) Better quality, too.

BTW: I keep on editing this when I think of more things that happened, and more things she said. Okie dokie. *g*

this: supanova, there: sydney, her: summer glau, picspam, summer!!!, the: shantelle, me: like this isn't real

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