(no subject)

Jan 27, 2007 19:31

I... bought a stroller. And a car seat. A 'travel system', as it were. This is the first major baby purchase.

I dropped off Dom at the airport and then started methodically hunting down strollers that I'd researched online this morning. Sears had them, but only the floor model left (the levers didn't work all that well on that one). Toys R Us had them, but in this moderately horrific tan plaid. The Bay had them, but no grey in stock and navy worked just as well, plus they were on sale for $100 off their regular price, so I WAS DECISIVE and got that.

We had to take the whole damned thing out of the box and pack it into my trunk in pieces, because the box was too big for my car. I saved the box, though, just in case it needs returning, and just in case we need it when we move. Drove home with my rear window partially obscured. Parked and immediately unpacked EVERYTHING from the car to repack it more sensibly, including Dom's bobsled stuff. Decided to leave the stroller pieces in my car until Dom got home to put them all together, and hauled Dom's golf clubs up to the apartment, since they're rarely used and don't need to be taking up space in my back seat.

And opened the door to find Dom sitting on the stairs waiting for me -- they'd cancelled his flight, he didn't find out until he went to check in, and they rescheduled him for Monday. He had to turn right back around and get a cab back home and wait for me to finish my shopping, *headdesk*

family stuff

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