Jun 16, 2008 07:21
The Couch
Summary: Gwen and Martha’s eyes went wide. “How-“ Ianto just shrugged and smiled.
Author’s Note: This is based on a story from Stargate Atlantis I read once. Basically revolving around the world’s comfiest couch, this is AU post Exit Wounds-AU being that those who didn’t survive-did.
Rated: G
Ianto Jones he the world’s comfiest couch, Jack could lie down on it and whether he needed rest or not he’d be asleep within five minutes. 170-scratch that-2170 years Jack had been alive and in those years he’d never…ever found anything as wonderfully marvelous as Ianto’s couch. It had a comfortable cottoning cover that seemed to suck the occupant in, the cushions molded to the body, begging the person to get more and more comfortable. It was longer than most couches, allowing for both Jack and Ianto’s longer bodies to fit on the couch and have some foot room at the end. It was also wider than most couches, easily allowing both men to lie on the couch-though not easily and rarely comfortable without a few elbows in the ribs.
It was a week after the events of Gray’s near genocide. His attempt at destroying his brother’s universe had failed, but only just. Tosh and Owen had escaped by the hair on their heads, Gwen had managed to avoid most of the situation by being at the police station until the very end, and Ianto had just gotten bloody lucky. They’d all survived-and Jack had disappeared for a few short days-only three and when he’d arrived home, the first person he’d come to see was Ianto.
Ianto opened the door that night and felt his heart in his throat; Jack’s face was covered in tears and dirt-not much different than what he’d looked like after his return from the cryo-chambers. His coat was a little more tattered, his shirt was bloodied and he looked utterly lost as he stepped forward and threw his arms around his lover.
Ianto didn’t hesitate to gather the older man in his arms and hold him close, letting Jack release whatever it was that had been bothering him. It wasn’t important, if Jack wanted to talk about it-he would, until then Ianto would be there for him in the same way Jack was always there for Ianto. He’d called the rest of the team-stunned when Gwen had said she was bringing Martha. Ianto wasn’t sure when, where or why Martha was suddenly in town, but he had a guess that it had to do with a certain Doctor and bringing Jack home safely. Trust Martha to make sure Jack came home to the proper time and place.
After agreeing that Owen would bring the drinks, Tosh would bring the pizza and Gwen would simply bring Martha and Rhys, Ianto sent Jack to get a shower before everyone arrived. Ianto never heard Jack come back out-or noticed he’d changed into Ianto’s favorite sweats and old T-shirt. It wasn’t until he stepped out of the kitchen that Ianto caught sight of the figure strewn across his couch.
Jack, in all his glory, lay with his damp hair sticking up in every direction, his face bent just enough so he could bury his nose in the shirt he wore-the shirt that no doubt smelled of Ianto. It was something few people knew; but when Jack was scared, traumatized or sad he sought out familiar smells-his coat, and of course clothes Ianto normally wear. It reminded him of the safe times, and the good times.
Jack lay with one arm across his chest, another caught between his waist and the back of the couch. One leg hung off the edge, and another put straight out in front of him. Ianto smiled, at the best of times Jack was like a wild tiger unable to be tamed. A maneater, a creature of habit who hunted regularly-in Jack’s case he hunted aliens and he didn’t really eat people. But Jack did have the temper of a wild tiger at times. However, like some tigers he was also tame when it came to specific people or other animals. Ianto considered him self lucky that of all the people Jack could have chosen to come home to-he’d been the one Jack returned to every time. Maybe they didn’t have forever, and for Ianto it didn’t matter, they had now, this very moment-today. That’s all anyone had and Ianto would take what he could get.
Smiling at the knock on the door, he opened it and was surprised when he found himself with an armful of Martha. Pulling back he looked at her eyes and gasped slightly. “What happened? He had the same look.”
“We lost someone-and we almost lost someone else. Jack-he saw her again.”
“Rose, he saw her and said goodbye, because he had you. Oh Ianto, it was horrible watching the death.”
“You’re safe-“
Ianto ushered them into the apartment and heard both girls giggle, seeing Gwen and Martha’s eyes go wide. “How did you-“ Martha shook her head taking in the sight that was handsome Jack Harkness, fast asleep and completely innocent. He looked so much younger with his eyes closed.
“He claims it’s my couch.”
“Anything that could put that tiger to sleep-has to be magic.”
Ianto chuckled, never really noticing that as he walked by the couch he brushed the hair from Jack’s face. Everyone else noticed, for the rest of the night, as the movie played, Ianto sat beside Jack, constantly touching him, or stroking his hand. Physical contact, whether to remind Ianto that Jack had returned, or to remind Jack that Ianto would protect him-no one would ever know. Ianto would be by his side, for as long as Jack wanted to sleep on his couch.
The End