Great speed of light! It is already nearly 2008. I have grown so old. I will wear my trousers rolled.
Enough poetry. More resolutions.
- Get out more. How can I dominate the world with my dynamic and winning personality if nobody sees my face?
- Submit at least one show idea. Proselytizing is more effective when one targets larger than simply one's minions. The barrier to entry here is predominantly the fact that it requires enlisting others and trusting them with my secrets. Because if they were to tell, I would have to kill them. And nobody wants that.
- Submit at least four sketches. Basically same barrier to entry as above.
- Audition for something. It's important that I keep my ovaries in pristine adamantium shape.
[edit: The theme for this sprint is "PUT YO ASS ON THE LINE, BITCH!"
Whoa. That gave me a brilliant idea. Screw this yearly resolution crap. I'm going for monthlies. And I can use xplanner to track it! Brilliant! HAHAHAHAHA! Have I mentioned that my eye keeps twitching? I think I really need sleep. I'll have my January resolutions up soon.]